Official Site:Â World of Warcraft
Studio:Â Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date:Â November 23, 2014
Genre:Â Fantasy Themepark
Business Model:Â Subscription (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
world of warcraft
The Daily Grind: What are the basic rules of conduct for an MMO community?
If there's one thing I've learned from 18 years of playing MMOs, it's that games train us to abide by some pretty weird codes...
World of Warcraft hails its 11th birthday
It was on this date in 2004 that a little-known fantasy MMO debuted on the scene after a half-decade of development and testing. False...
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for the MMO peripheral junkie
I'm not going to lie, folks: I love peripherals. Love 'em. As soon as I was introduced to the idea that you could have...
The Game Archaeologist: Shadowbane
Way back when I used to haunt the corridors of Gamestop and had yet to shun the place due to its stinky evil, I remember...
WoW Factor: The look of the Legion class previews
Last week was a pretty fun ride, I have to say. Leaving aside everything else we had to chew on after a weekend's worth...
World of Warcraft dramatizes the level 100 boost process
Like the last expansion, World of Warcraft's upcoming Legion expansion will let players skip the tedious process of leveling up through old content and...
The Daily Grind: What’s your worst MMO guild drama horror story?
Guild Wars 2's raiding guild drama earlier this week naturally made me think of guild drama I've experienced myself. I mean, if you've been...
Perfect Ten: MMOs you forgot existed (but are still running)
No MMO can be in the spotlight eternally. Even some of the biggest names out there -- your World of Warcrafts, your Guild Wars...
Global Chat: Gearing up in WildStar
If you're anything like me, when you get to the max level in a game, there's a general flailing of hands and a feeling...
World of Warcraft celebrates 11 years of operation
Whether your opinions on World of Warcraft are positive or negative, you can't deny that reaching 11 years of operation is quite the accomplishment....
WoW preps patch 6.2.3, teases Gnome Hunters
Ready to timewalk back to the days of World of Warcraft's third expansion? Or are you just looking forward to being able to use...
The Daily Grind: Do you play MMOs contrary to their design?
If you play Final Fantasy XIV, you know that it is not a game that rewards players for playing multiple characters. Quite the opposite, in...
WoW, FFXIV, RIFT, and GW2 players gather to mourn Paris
Final Fantasy XIV players and gamemasters on the Balmung server tonight gathered for a vigil to honor the victims of today's attacks in Paris. "Balmung...
Compare and contrast the Warcraft movie trailer to the same areas in World of Warcraft
The landscapes of the upcoming Warcraft movie are not unfamiliar to veterans of World of Warcraft. Heck, they're not even unfamiliar to dabblers within...
WoW Factor: In the wake of BlizzCon’s Legion content
Well, folks, we're officially living in a post-BlizzCon world. Until the next one. The point is, we're done with that convention, and all that's...
The Daily Grind: Is an MMORPG still an MMORPG without gear progression?
A Massively OP commenter recently opined that "without gear progression, is a MOBA not an MMORPG," and I would really love to talk...
Perfect Ten: How playing MMOs can make you a better person
I like to think that I'm a better person now than I was when I first loaded up Final Fantasy XI. That's how long...
Blizzard sues alleged bot purveyors for WoW, Diablo III, and HOTS copyright infringement
Back in May, Blizzard's attempts to thwart gold-selling company Bossland GmbH -- perhaps better known to gamers as the unit behind botting group HonorBuddy -- were stymied...
World of Warcraft wraps up its Legion class previews with Druid and Rogue
There are a lot of leather-wearing classes in World of Warcraft at this point, and two of them are sharing the last round of...
World of Warcraft outlines the changes coming to Monk
Monks are the only baseline class that's been added to World of Warcraft since the game's launch - two hero classes have been added...