
See: World of Warcraft

The vista

World of Warcraft’s private servers are emptying in the wake of WoW Classic, but they aren’t empty yet

So, who figured that the people playing World of Warcraft emulators would all jump ship in order to play on the official version of WoW Classic?...
Cargo cult.

World of Warcraft outlines its improved recruit-a-friend program

Do you have a friend you want to drag with you back into Azeroth? Soon you will be handsomely compensated for the gesture, thanks...

MMORTS Million Lords launches tomorrow – check out this exclusive trailer

Here's an MMO new to me and to the site: Million Lords. It's an MMORTS that rolls out of beta tomorrow and into final...
Prepare for bear.

The Daily Grind: What little details delight you about WoW Classic?

My WoW Classic guild is heavily weighted in favor of World of Warcraft veterans who think that we have seen and done it all...
Oh, please be all right.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 237: Fallen Earth’s final glorious sunset

Justin and Bree tackle Fallen Earth's sunset, WoW Classic, going back to Guild Wars 2, LOTRO, Astellia Online's monetization, CCP's new MMO, City of Heroes, and a mailbag question on swatting.

Working As Intended: What it means to be an MMORPG

I am amused and somewhat bewildered to admit that I have my very own pet troll. He follows me around on Reddit to hassle...

Funcom is still working on co-op shooter and multiplayer Dune game, according to Q2 2019 financials

Buried under all the WoW Classic news at the end of August was Funcom's second quarter financial report. Let's rectify our oversight with a...

World of Warcraft perseveres under weekend DDoS attacks, WoW Classic fixes layering exploits

It was a pretty annoying weekend to be playing some of Blizzard's titles -- in particular, World of Warcraft Classic. Players noticed significant disruptions,...

The Daily Grind: Did you ever skip any great MMOs to play something more popular?

With WoW Classic in the news so much lately, I've been thinking back to 2004 when the original World of Warcraft launched. We've spent...
Even when that emotional connection is being violently severed.

World of Warcraft fans toast the game’s 15th anniversary

As we head into the fall and World of Warcraft's official 15th anniversary, you best believe that Blizzard is going to be milking this...

One Shots: Familiar and welcome lands

Welcome back home! That feels like the sentiment that WoW Classic gave when it launched recently. Players absolutely swarmed to these servers, many of...
Not this.

The Game Archaeologist: Is it worth the hassle to update graphics in older MMOs?

"I'd play this game again if the graphics were updated." "If they re-released this game with modern graphics, it would be way more popular." "The Game...

The Soapbox: There is no MMO that can fix a broken MMO community

We've heard again and again how the recently launched World of Warcraft: Classic was going to "fix" the MMO community by stripping away modern...
The stars are over Dun Morogh.

WoW (Classic) Factor: The journal of Nieve Vinther – second entry

It has now been the better part of a week since my unexpected sojourn into the path, and for most of that week my...

Leaderboard: Does Guild Wars 2 need another expansion?

If you've followed NCsoft's quarterly investor reports for the last many years, you've probably seen dozens graphs of Guild Wars 2's revenues and the...

WoW Classic opens more servers for transfer, addressing layer switching

Blizzard is continuing to open up opening up character transfers for WoW Classic to allow folks who rolled on overloaded shards to get the heck off....

First impressions of WoW Classic – from a total World of Warcraft newbie

The gaming world is abuzz with excitement over World of Warcraft Classic. Players around the world are gushing with nostalgia over this trip back...

WoW Classic: Character transfers, new realms, Twitch records, and most popular classes

If you thought that the second week of WoW Classic's operation would be any less hectic than the first, you're in for some disappointment....
Very mature.

World of Warcraft: Classic’s inevitable goldsellers are using modern chat functions to advertise

Gold selling isn't nearly as much of a thing on modern World of Warcraft like it used to be; the existence of the WoW Token...

Here are the realms WoW Classic is opening up for transfer – and the three new servers opening too

Last night, Blizzard announced something it'd previously said it didn't want to do: It's opening up character transfers for WoW Classic so that players...