
See: World of Warcraft

Mad fake mode.

World of Warcraft: Classic promises more changes to Molten Core and Onyxia for the Season of Mastery servers

In the beginning, there was nothing but people stating that World of Warcraft was better when it was harder during Vanilla. Then, there was WoW Classic,...

World of Warcraft previews the Legion Timewalking coming in patch 9.1.5 while promising to make old starter gear available again

The big centerpiece of content coming to World of Warcraft with patch 9.1.5 on November 2nd is actually an event full of old content, because...
Very satisfying.

The Daily Grind: If you could remove one World of Warcraft expansion, which one would it be?

It may seem like an odd memory at this point, but there was a time when the answer to "what's the worst World of Warcraft...
All over again.

WoW Factor: Why World of Warcraft’s Torghast didn’t work

Amidst all of the other things that are being changed in World of Warcraft's next patch that has a dearth of content but a lot...
Oh, hey there.

World of Warcraft officially announces patch 9.1.5 release date of November 2

Earlier today we noted that World of Warcraft's most recent build for patch 9.1.5 was marked as a release candidate, which in and of itself...
Very satisfying.

World of Warcraft updates patch 9.1.5 with a release candidate and delays the Sylvanas novel once again

Oh, Sylvanas, everyone's favorite character in World of Warcraft (citation needed)! That lovable scamp (citation needed) has had a longstanding and consistent character arc (citation...
So many colors in the rainbow.

Perfect Ten: A completely accurate 10-point summary of MMO history

History! Let's be real here, it's pretty damn boring. No one cares about it, and it all happened beforehand, so why is any of...
Mad fake mode.

WoW Classic’s latest Season of Mastery beta update puts an end to powerleveling and tweaks dungeon enemies

It's called the Season of Mastery, not the Season of Taking an Easy Ride to High Levels in Short Order, which is probably why...
Sandwiches that I made for you!

World of Warcraft brings round the Hallow’s End event once more

What's the true meaning of Halloween? In World of Warcraft, the true meaning is hats. Yes, hats. There's the hat you can get from the Horseman...
These references, however, remain.

World of Warcraft players grumble over Blizzard leader’s participation in boosting culture

If you thought the ousting of J. Allen Brack from the top of Blizzard and his replacement by a pair of Activision execs was...

World of Warcraft continues to clean up its act with surgical replacements to characters and quests

We have been watching with some degree of fascination the Great World of Warcraft Purge of '21 that's come in the wake of Blizzard's...

The Daily Grind: Do you play humans or non-humans in most MMOs?

A while back, I saw a thread on Reddit about how most MMO players pick humans, and questions like this always startle me because...

One Shots: Gnome mercy

For today's headline picture, I'll let Minimalistway explain why you have a pint-size Great Gnomeregan Run marathoner from World of Warcraft waving frantically at...
Get back.

WoW Factor: So when will we get the next World of Warcraft expansion announcement?

Under normal circumstances for World of Warcraft, this would be a very stupid topic for an article because it would have a very obvious answer...
Let me eat the fruit.

World of Warcraft updates players on the latest development business, and it’s all Season of Mastery and Halloween

So, what's happening next in World of Warcraft? Hallow's End, that's what. That starts up on October 18th and runs until November 1st in retail...

Massively Overthinking: What’s the most painful or memorable bug you ever experienced in an MMO?

Witnessing all the folks upset over losing gear and trades to rollbacks over and over in Diablo II Resurrected made me reflect on some...

World of Warcraft tweaks another NPC name and more dialogue to reduce transphobia, racism, and sexism

Not every movie or reference ages particularly well. Case in point: World of Warcraft had an NPC named Finkle Einhorn as a reference to the...

Former ArenaNet boss Jeff Strain’s new gaming company is called Possibility Space

There's a new games studio in town: Possibility Space, led by veteran game executive Jeff Strain. Strain, of course, is best known to MMORPG...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 342: From New World to Old Camelot

Justin and Chris discuss New World, LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, and Dark Age of Camelot, with adventures in Elder Scrolls Online, LOTRO, and New World, plus mailbag topics on polling MMO players, out-of-game MMO promos, and 'managed decline' works for MMOs.

Vitae Aeternum: New World lacks customization, but that can be fixed

Welcome to our first installment of Vitae Aeternum, an ongoing column in which multiple writers of MassivelyOP plan to bring you coverage, opinions, rants,...