
WRUP. It stands for “what are you playing.” That’s it. Answer the question! [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

You're so cool you're chilly.

WRUP: How to be cool edition

Many times, people have come up to me on the street asking how I got to be so cool. Well, let me tell you,...

Leaderboard: Where did all the City of Heroes players go?

Based on the comments under Justin's Perfect Ten on City of Heroes memories this past week, a lot of folks out there in our audience really...
It all makes sense now.

WRUP: The anatomy of magic edition

I stopped practicing magic tricks when I realized that I didn't like knowing the trick. It was kind of a sad thing for me;...
I consider myself something like a Priest.

WRUP: The loss edition

We all lose things over the course of our lives. Some things are small, almost incidental - pieces of paper, movies, favored dishes, keys,...
Well, here we go.

WRUP: Do to the Ri to the Toh edition

Late on Friday evening, my wife told me that she had seen this character's name. That is a real thing. A character named "Doritoh."...
I'll show you, sort of.

WRUP: Typecasting edition

There's nothing worse than being typecast. You play two action roles in films, suddenly you're the action movie guy. Be the romantic lead in...
Oh dear.

WRUP: Lorem ipsum edition

Welcome back to What Are You Playing, the game where we tell you what we're playing this weekend and you tell us insert joke...
Not what I'm traveling in, probably.

WRUP: Resolving plotlines edition

As many of you may know, I am the sole writer for What Are You Playing, which means that I'm responsible for coming up...
Sure, it all worked out perfectly, great job.

WRUP: Impossible to test edition

I have to admit, I've been watching everything going down with No Man's Sky with the interest of an outside observer. I've never been...
On the dark side.

WRUP: Asking if you’re the bad guy edition

No one wants to be the bad guy. But sometimes, completely by accident, we wind up finding out that we are, in fact, the...
Banjo music.

WRUP: Good news, it’s completely ruined edition

Hey, good news, dude! This stuff is ruined. I mean, completely ruined. It looks like a bomb went off over there, if the bomb itself...
And say it with croissants.

WRUP: What the deal is with airline food edition

Hello, readers. Let's get these out of the way. Airline food is prepared in a way that it can be heated swiftly with minimal...
Hang on to me and I'll hang on to you.

WRUP: The sea edition

I had never really seen the sea before the first time my father took me to Martha's Vineyard. Until I lived there, I certainly...

Massively Overthinking: The best MMORPG trailers of all time

This week's Massively Overthinking should be a fun one -- and hopefully it'll contrast nicely with the Game Archaeologist column we ran last week, which...
Unbreak my heart.

WRUP: What I really meant edition

Every so often, people seem to be curious about what I really meant when I said something. The answer is usually "what I said,"...
A peek behind the magic.

WRUP: Ask your doctor about Prescribital today edition

Do you have dry mouth? Do you find it difficult to get motivated in the mornings? Do you produce too much saliva? Do you...
These are the bone woods.

WRUP: Save money with this one incredibly horrifying trick edition

When you need to alleviate your woes of money, either because you find your electric bill is too high or you owe good money...

WRUP: Funny headline edition

Hey, you. Yeah, you, the person sitting there reading this. We're friends, right? You've got my back when I need you? The answer to...
I was made into a fan!

WRUP: Why I loved The Force Awakens edition

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the only Star Wars film I actually own at the moment. I have that on Blu-Ray. I adore...
I don't really know either.

WRUP: Funcom fanboy edition

It has come to my attention that I am, in fact, kind of a studio fanboy. This in and of itself would be a...