xbox one

This is nice, right? Just being in a car?

You can now try The Crew for free on consoles

If you're still curious about Ubisoft's online racer The Crew, I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that if you're...

Elder Scrolls Online console preorders are now open

Having relaunched The Elder Scrolls Online as a buy-to-play, sub-optional PC game last week, ZeniMax has now announced pre-orders for the console versions of...

Not So Massively: D3’s ladder reset, HOTS’ team league mode, and Starfall Tactics

Diablo III is getting ready to close its second ladder only two months in on April 5th but will be providing a 100% gold...
The Division

Here’s what’s known about The Division’s crafting

Wait a minute, what? There's crafting in The Division shooter that Ubisoft is setting in the Clancyverse? Apparently so, according to a new YouTube...

Warframe is ‘retiring’ premium crafted armor

It's the end of an era for Warframe crafters. For reasons unknown but that probably rhyme with "martificial schmarcity," Digital Extremes is retiring three...
Redguard girl

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite Elder Scrolls Online race?

I'm looking forward to some Elder Scrolls Online this month, but I may not use my max-level character. His guild is gone, and frankly...

FFXIV and ESO players complain about unfair international pricing

It might not be the most shocking fact you'll read today, but not all box prices and subscription rates are created equal depending on...

Leaderboard: Are you playing Elder Scrolls Online this week?

Last week I patched up Elder Scrolls Online. Remember? We chatted about how the game's launcher is an expletive that rhymes with kitty. Over...

The Stream Team: A reintroduction to The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online officially transitioned to buy-to-play today, and that makes it a perfect time for MassivelyOP's MJ to jump back in and...

Tamriel Infinium: Five reasons to return to Elder Scrolls Online

Gamers rarely give an MMO a second chance. Far too often, a game bears forever the impression it earned the first time we played it. When...

Elder Scrolls Online patches in the cash shop

The Elder Scrolls Online's buy-to-play transition is finally here -- and in fact started up a day earlier than expected. Along with the business...

Not So Massively: HoN’s Grimm Hunt, HEX’s 100k tourney, and Descent’s reboot

It's been a packed week in the world of online multiplayer gaming, with competitive tournament announcements, patches, and tons of new videos. Microsoft may...

Elder Scrolls Online slips into B2P mode early

Players patching up The Elder Scrolls Online tonight ahead of its B2P conversion tomorrow are in for a surprise: They can log in early. Our own...
Big time.

Gigantic will be published on Windows 10 and Xbox One

In a news sure to relieve the gamers unsure whether a MOBA would come along specifically designed to work with Windows 10, Motiga has...
Elite Dangerous

Elite: Dangerous is coming to the Xbox One in 2015

Elite: Dangerous is coming to the Xbox One, according to a new teaser that was released at GDC this week. There's no firm date...

Neverwinter coming to Xbox One on March 31

Perfect World has announced that Neverwinter is coming to the Xbox One on March 31st. The launch will feature all of the content from...

APB: Reloaded improving server tech for console launches

Twitch reflexes are all for naught if an MMO's servers are super-laggy, which is why the APB: Reloaded team is dedicating itself to the...

World of Tanks takes aim at Xbox One

World of Tanks may prove to be one of the most unstoppable online gaming invasions of the past five years, as the WWII sim...