zenimax online studios

See: ZeniMax

TI Header (Festivals)

Tamriel Infinium: Are Elder Scrolls Online’s events too much of a good thing?

The Elder Scrolls Online players are suffering an embarrassment of riches at the moment. The 25th anniversary of the Elder Scrolls franchise coincides almost...

Be one of the first to visit Elsweyr on the Elder Scrolls Online PTS right meow

Elder Scrolls Online fans were hoping this came sooner rather than later: Elsweyr launched on the Public Test Server! ZeniMax Online Studios has teased...

The MOP Up: Grab your Harry Potter nickname now!

When Harry Potter: Wizards Unite arrives later this year, by which name will you be known and feared? Lord Scooby? Mr. Cheddar? Fluffybutticus? The...

Battle Bards Episode 142: Sunrise, sunset

In MMORPGs across the world, days are beginning and days are ending — and with them come the catharsis of the sunrise and sunset....

One Shots: Band practice went long today

Fred and Wilma's parents always wondered what happened to them. One day they stayed after school for a little extra band practice... and they...

The Daily Grind: Do you have a ‘port in the storm’ MMORPG?

Yesterday, we covered the news that Elder Scrolls Online is actually implementing queues and adding more capacity and new hardware to handle what its...

Elder Scrolls Online implements temporary queues for EU megaserver thanks to burgeoning playerbase

Generally speaking, all MMORPG developers seek more players. More players means more money, right? Except when it means server problems. That's exactly what's been going...

The Stream Team: Concluding Elder Scrolls Online’s Elsweyr prologue

When you are listening to Khajiiti legends in Elder Scrolls Online, you never get the whole story at once! And Massively OP's MJ needs...

PAX East 2019: Elder Scrolls Online Elsweyr makes playing the bad guy feel very good

During this year's PAX East, freelance games journalist Sam Prell - you might remember him from his time at Joystiq and GamesRadar - took...

Valve and ZeniMax are among the publishers under EU investigation for illegal geo-blocking

A number of major games publishers are under a spotlight cast by the European Commission for breaking EU competition rules. Valve, ZeniMax, Bandai Namco,...

The Stream Team: Presents and prologues for Elder Scrolls Online’s 5th birthday

Last time Massively OP's MJ tried to do an Elder Scrolls Online prologue, she was distracted by a huge new house. That won't be...

Tamriel Infinium: The power of community in five-year-old Elder Scrolls Online

Given the volatility in today’s video game industry, it’s nice when an MMO is able to celebrate some longevity. Elder Scrolls Online has not...

The Alliance War is coming to The Elder Scrolls Legends trading card game

The Ruby Throne is up for grabs in this new look at the Alliance War in Elder Scrolls Legends. The trading card game is...

Elder Scrolls Online celebrates five years with events and Indriks

Every year, Elder Scrolls Online celebrates its birthday with a Jubilee Cake and events. This year those events will include giving players outfits that...

Massively Uplifting: Bethesda’s gift to gaming granny, friendships forged in EverQuest and Guild Wars 2

It is no joke: There is plenty that's good going on in the gaming world, and we want to share that with you. You...

The Elder Scrolls Online takes home inaugural GLAAD award for Outstanding Video Game

This is not a joke whatsoever: LGBTQ media-advocacy organization GLAAD has awarded The Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset with its first-ever award for Outstanding Video...
Llook out, Llary! It's the llandlllord!

Massively Overpowered feature patch notes for April Oneth

Here at Massively Overpowered, we're always doing our best to make use of our staff's particular talents. We make sure to have Justin saying...

The Stream Team: Dungeon diving in Elder Scrolls Blades early access

We all have questions about Elder Scrolls Blades. What is it about? What does it look like? Can you really play an Elder Scrolls...
Don't worry, something will happen any day now.

Global Chat: Looking back at 20 years of EverQuest

EverQuest's 20th anniversary isn't going unnoticed and unobserved in the gaming community this month. In fact, several MMO bloggers have raised a glass to...
To blathe.

Bethsoft has just launched Elder Scrolls Blades into mobile early access

Did not see this one coming, but in retrospect, it makes sense: The Elder Scrolls Blades has apparently just launched into early access on...