Bad news for humanity but good news for zombie apocalypse fans: Undead Labs announced today that it will be launching State of Decay 2 for the Xbox One and PC next year.
Undead Labs President Jeff Strain confirmed that the zombie sequel will feature four-player co-op fun: “We’ve considered many paths for State of Decay over the past few years, but the overwhelming majority of you said you wanted a bigger, badder, bolder, smoother State of Decay that you could play with your friends. And so that’s exactly what we’re making.”
Of course, Mr. Strain could always be making an even biggerest, badderest, bolderest, and smootherest State of Decay by moving into the MMORPG genre that he helped to forge. One step at a time, we suppose.
You can watch the glorious, blood-soaked trailer after the break featuring the tagline of “nobody survives alone.”