the daily grind

No, it’s not a slow news day; it’s just The Daily Grind, a long-running morning feature in which the Massively Overpowered writers pose gaming-related questions to the MMORPG community. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

The Daily Grind: How would you make a special MMO ruleset server?

Lately there's been some friction over in Lord of the Rings Online due to what players see as mishandling and miscommunication over the game's...

The Daily Grind: How much does an MMO’s art style determine whether you’ll try it?

I am not much of a Borderlands person, but the franchise has been impossible to ignore the last couple of weeks with the launch...

The Daily Grind: Are you a fan of dodge and joust mechanics in MMOs?

Deep in the bowels of a Reddit thread about WildStar vs. WoW Classic a while back, several people mentioned WildStar's combat as being one...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is the best at encouraging players to take on older content?

Games don't usually need to do much to point players toward the new. If you're logging in to Guild Wars 2 when the new saga-story-season thinger...

The Daily Grind: What MMOs are in your backlog?

Most all gamers know the bittersweet feeling that is to have a huge backlog of unplayed games thanks to seasonal sales and impulse purchases....

The Daily Grind: What’s the most obscure MMO you wish were still around?

I bet you thought this post was gonna be about Zentia, since I loved that game and almost no one remembers it. But it's...
I've looked at clouds form one side now.

The Daily Grind: Do DPS numbers help you improve your play in an MMO?

Let's be perfectly clear here, this question is not meant to be theoretical but personal. Whether or not DPS numbers should be in World of Warcraft...
Prepare for bear.

The Daily Grind: What little details delight you about WoW Classic?

My WoW Classic guild is heavily weighted in favor of World of Warcraft veterans who think that we have seen and done it all...

The Daily Grind: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever collected in an MMO?

Back when original-flavor Star Wars Galaxies was alive, I had a bit of an obsession with Ubese shirts. Essentially, they were sleeveless undershirts that...

The Daily Grind: Did you ever skip any great MMOs to play something more popular?

With WoW Classic in the news so much lately, I've been thinking back to 2004 when the original World of Warcraft launched. We've spent...

The Daily Grind: What MMO would look the best with a cel-shaded style?

I'm not really over Peria Chronicles, but one of the things that attracted my interest to the game was the loveliness of its cel-shaded graphics...

The Daily Grind: How have other MMO players amused you?

I absolutely love the fact that massively multiplayer titles give me a social experience even when I'm in a room all by myself. Bumping...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO do you wish had an emulator – but doesn’t?

A few weeks back, when The Matrix 4 news hit, I spent some time digging around The Matrix Online's community so that I could...
And if I press it enough time, sometimes there's a story!

The Daily Grind: Have queues ever turned you off from an MMO?

Queues bother me. I'd like to say they don't, but they really do. I don't take them as a personal affront or anything, though;...

The Daily Grind: When’s the last time you got absolutely sucked into an MMO?

I both love and hate those periods of time when I get sucked into an MMORPG. Usually this comes when a game first launches,...

The Daily Grind: Which class would you just love to port from one MMO to another?

Earlier this summer, Standing Stone Game announced a brand-new and unique class for Dungeons and Dragons Online: the Alchemist. No, it's not just another...

The Daily Grind: What was the last MMO that you regretted quitting?

Last spring, I made a hard call: I finally decided that I wasn't playing Ultima Online enough to justify a sub. That's not just...
Never mind, I'm not real!

The Daily Grind: How do you handle cancellations for MMOs you were looking forward to?

I've been very open about my interest in Peria Chronicles basically from the start of its development, so the fact that it certainly appears to...

The Daily Grind: What’s the vibe that you want your MMO character to exude?

Have you hugged your bread lately? No, that's not today's Daily Grind question, it's just the natural follow-up to witnessing the above picture from...

The Daily Grind: Would you play Guild Wars 2 Classic?

At the end of this week's podcast, Justin and I were chatting about Guild Wars 2's big announcement that's coming up later today, and...