
Right, right, space. We're in it.

Elite Dangerous adjusts overlapping hotspots and tritium performance

Fleet carriers are big and they cause balance issues in Elite Dangerous. Not unfixable ones, mind you; just ones that have to be adjusted...
Inside of you are two... wait, I already used that joke today.

Aion outlines its balance update in the wake of Shadows of Balaurea

There is not a great deal of new content in the next patch for Aion in North America. There is some, of course; for...
Stored knowledge.

Final Fantasy XIV states more housing plots are on the way for patch 5.4

Back in March, Final Fantasy XIV's developers turned off the housing demolition timers due to the ongoing global pandemic, so no one has to...
In the summer, in the city.

Grand Theft Auto Online’s latest update brings summer fun, Los Santos style

When you think of summer fun, do you think of armed felonies? It's kind of a thing in Grand Theft Auto Online, you know,...
Not pictured: earrings.

Black Desert revamps Padix Island, brings out a Glimmering Earring, and starts a beach party for beer

It's Wednesday, and that means it's patch day for Black Desert, and in this case that also means you can head down to Terrmian...

Final Fantasy XIV patch 5.3, Reflections in Crystal, is live today

It's been a long wait for players (two months more than expected, even), but the latest Final Fantasy XIV patch is finally live today....
Faires past

Final Fantasy XIV will be down for 24 hours for patch 5.3 maintenance

Get anything you need to have done in Final Fantasy XIV done before August 10th. Anything you want done before the patch, at least,...
Be the first on your block to GIVE ME MONEY

Final Fantasy XI: The Voracious Resurgence gets its own teaser site

It turns out that Final Fantasy XI will just keep going forever. The game has been pumping out monthly updates reliably ever since its...
why why why why why why

World of Warships enters into a crossover with Transformers for unique skins and voices

It's time for Transformers to cross over with World of Warships, and that means... ship skins. Like, seriously, that's the thing. You might think...
No, this isn't quite the right place.

Final Fantasy XI’s August update includes the first new storyline after Rhapsodies of Vana’diel

It appears that even the claims of Final Fantasy XI's story being finished were greatly exaggerated. That's not news, of course, but it is...
Fly free, too.

Final Fantasy XIV offers a few more tidbits about patch 5.3 to its special site

Flight! Letting slip the surly bonds of gravity and taking to the skies! Final Fantasy XIV has let players fly in the expansion zones...

Final Fantasy XIV reminds players to finish the Crystal Tower series and get a mount before August 11

The next Final Fantasy XIV patch arrives on August 11th, and you're going to need to do some stuff ahead of time if you...

Sea of Thieves introduces the Ashen Lords with today’s update

It's all over in Sea of Thieves, because you now have to fight skeletons covered in fire. Yes, the Ashen Lords arrive on the...
It's on my list of 'things you did wrong,' yeah.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands appears to have PvP world quests returning once more

In World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, players are wandering in the realm of the dead and dealing with afterlife issues. A perfect time to find...

DC Universe Online launches the Wonderverse episode on July 30

Remember when DC Comics completely destroyed its multiverse only to bring it back a couple of years later, tops? We sometimes do. But it...

Astellia Online patches out the summer event, improves rewards, and adds more cosmetic slots

Summer has come to an end... well, over in Astellia Online. The game's newest patch removes the summer event, so you'll need to focus...
Urgent, urgent, urgent!

Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to Steam on August 5

Remember the Phantasy Star Online 2 launch fiasco with the Windows store? Of course you do. It was terrible. And it led to a...
Robot? Maybe? I don't know any more.

TERA’s EU version upgrades to the 64-bit client this coming August

Ah, the 64-bit client! 64-bit clients for games are pretty well the norm by now, but some games have held back. One such example...
How do we hide with all the glowy bits?

Albion Online explains the hideouts of Roads of Avalon

Hideouts? In my Roads of Avalon? It's more likely than you might think in Albion Online. Yes, players can definitely stake their claim to...

Final Fantasy XIV updates its Reflections in Crystal site as it passes 20 million registered players

It was easy to miss amidst all of the other news contained in yesterday's live letter from producer and director Naoki Yoshida, but Final...