

Astellia Online patches out the summer event, improves rewards, and adds more cosmetic slots

Summer has come to an end... well, over in Astellia Online. The game's newest patch removes the summer event, so you'll need to focus...
Urgent, urgent, urgent!

Phantasy Star Online 2 is coming to Steam on August 5

Remember the Phantasy Star Online 2 launch fiasco with the Windows store? Of course you do. It was terrible. And it led to a...
Robot? Maybe? I don't know any more.

TERA’s EU version upgrades to the 64-bit client this coming August

Ah, the 64-bit client! 64-bit clients for games are pretty well the norm by now, but some games have held back. One such example...
How do we hide with all the glowy bits?

Albion Online explains the hideouts of Roads of Avalon

Hideouts? In my Roads of Avalon? It's more likely than you might think in Albion Online. Yes, players can definitely stake their claim to...

Final Fantasy XIV updates its Reflections in Crystal site as it passes 20 million registered players

It was easy to miss amidst all of the other news contained in yesterday's live letter from producer and director Naoki Yoshida, but Final...
The climb.

Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 5.3 gets a trailer along with more patch details ahead of August 11

Patch 5.3, Reflections in Crystal, arrives in Final Fantasy XIV on August 11th after an unusually long delay. But if you need to see...
Yes... the island.

Temtem adds in the Kisiwa island tomorrow

It's time to make some friends in Temtem with the next major update coming tomorrow. Not just because players will be tasked with fighting...
Where's Glimmer?

AdventureQuest 3D previews the bows coming for the new Ranger class next week

So is archery good or bad? AdventureQuest 3D has decided that it's good, and to that end the game has been developing the new...
On the farm.

Fallout 76 rolls back some challenge completion due to auto-complete bugs

Sometimes you lose a bit of progress in an MMO. It sucks, but it happens. It sucks even more when that progress is related...
Airborne sylphic event.

Final Fantasy XIV launches its special site for patch 5.3, Reflections in Crystal

The next live letter for Final Fantasy XIV isn't until next week, but the special site for patch 5.3 has already arrived and can...
The fanboy mines are harder to work all the time.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is trying to move away from ‘anything that feels like it might be a grind’

You've heard it from the World of Warcraft development team over and over: Anima for your covenants in Shadowlands will not be a grind....

Elite: Dangerous fixes an installation issues for fleet carriers that may result in a new crew member

Fleet carriers have some bugs in Elite: Dangerous, and the newest patch for the game arriving tomorrow is fixing one of the major bugs...
No Ryan Lewis on this one.

Occupy White Walls proudly announces a big art lift with its latest update, the Heist

The team behind Occupy White Walls is pretty proud of this art heist. It's not a real heist, of course, but the update is...
Home away from what pretends to be home.

The Cycle brings around Season 3 with a new hub and new Prospectors

It's time for a new season in The Cycle, and this season brings with it a chance to kick back, relax, and get a...
Tell me more, tell me more, but you don't have to brag.

Final Fantasy XIV’s next Live Letter is on July 22

Every fan of Final Fantasy XIV is eagerly awaiting more information about patch 5.3 along with the patch's actual release. Of course, the patch...
Just marking time after all.

World of Warcraft Shadowlands’ beta begins next week

Updates and pics are at the bottom of this post! Welcome back to Eliot liveblogging about Blizzard events. Like you, I thought we were done...
Sometimes it just makes sense.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands datamining reveals more alpha details, including more Soulbinds

The testing for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands continues, and with a new update that means new datamining of important details. The most recent update...

Final Fantasy XI plans for its July version update with more Odyssey content

The Final Fantasy XI team has gotten its groove back, although in this case "groove" mostly means "development cadence." Yes, the team is back...
It's wrecked.

Final Fantasy XIV announces patch 5.3 will launch on August 11

Final Fantasy XIV fans eagerly awaiting the game's next patch (which means more or less everyone playing the game) will be waiting a while....
Temmie get money for college.

Temtem shares the initial details of its plans for clubs

The upcoming summer update for Temtem (which we've known about for a while) is going to include the game's first iteration of clubs, its...