TERA’s EU version upgrades to the 64-bit client this coming August

Robot? Maybe? I don't know any more.

Ah, the 64-bit client! 64-bit clients for games are pretty well the norm by now, but some games have held back. One such example was TERA’s EU version, but no longer; the game will be migrating to a new 64-bit client at the beginning of August, allowing for greater RAM access, more asynchronous loading, DirectX 11, and a new 20-player dungeon! Wait, that last one isn’t a function of the client; that’s just something new that’s also coming along with the patch. Still, taking on Mahrnak once a week is a new thing you’ll soon be able to do.

[AL:TERA]Once the update is live, players can enter once per week or twice as a club member on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Players can also take on the RK-9 Kennel in its returning form as a hard-mode dungeon, also limited to one entry (or two for club members) per day rather than per week. Not all of these additional bits of content will take full advantage of the new 64-bit client, of course, but the ones that will make it all well worth it. Besides, a 64-bit client is just cooler than a 32-bit client. You can take our word on that one.

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