Monthly Archives: April 2015


Warcraft movie delayed once again

If you were making plans to head to theaters in March of next year to see the Warcraft film as soon as it opened,...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best hybrid classes?

I didn't know hybrid classes were a thing, really, until I picked up classic EverQuest way back in 1999. Most of the roleplaying games I'd...

Massively Overthinking: Overcoming ‘Barrens chat’ culture

Tonight's Massively Overthinking aims to address a core problem facing the whole internet, not just games: antisocial behavior. Our question comes from Kickstarter donor Katie...

The Stream Team: Path of Exile Act IV beta adventures

You've read about the incoming changes in Path of Exile's upcoming Act IV, but have you seen them? MassivelyOP's MJ has secured a spot...
Star Conflict

Star Conflict gets a Season 2: Dreadnoughts trailer

Star Conflict got a new trailer today, and that's because the game's 1.1.3 update is a biggun. Corporations can fight to control global map locations,...

Here’s a quick preview of WildStar’s new Star-Comm Basin zone

WildStar's getting a new zone and it's called Star-Comm Basin. Carbine senior game designer Scott Hafner has penned a dev blog that previews the new...
Watch us sit down and program!

Jacobs elaborates on spirit pets in Camelot Unchained

Camelot Unchained's Mark Jacobs has posted a Thursday afternoon update that's basically required reading if you're a fan of the fantasy RvR title. He...

EverQuesting: A guide to EverQuest II’s dungeons

It's no secret that EverQuest II has a plethora of quests. The moniker surely fits: There are so many quests that it's impossible to...
It looks like every other MOBA trailer ever, whee.

Master x Master adds WildStar’s Mondo Zax to its final beta test

Fans of WildStar who also have access to Korean beta tests will probably be quite happy to hear that Mondo Zax, Chua inventor extraordinaire,...
Boring space dad yay.

Check out Marvel Heroes’ Age of Ultron content with Vision

It'd be a really weird day if Marvel Heroes weren't paying attention to the next big Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to come out, especially...
The jokes write themselves some days.

Age of Conan developers working on panoramas and achievements

What is best in life? Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Stop mid-crush and realize that you're in a really pretty area....

Massively Opinionated: WoW vs. LOTRO vs. the banker

In this augural episode of Massively Opinionated, Larry, Mike, Richie, and Tina debate the topic of what makes the MMORPG genre special in 2015.

Take a look at Landmark’s overhauled landmasses

Landmark's landmasses are getting a major facelift in the sandbox's last big wipe coming up next week. Not only are more biomes (underwater, volcanic,...
Goin' up to the spirit in the sky.

How to unleash divine wrath in Skyforge

Sure, you get the idea that Skyforge is all about being a deity. But what does that mean? When do you get to unleash...
My life is not fun.

Perfect Ten: The 10 things every MMO’s official site should have

Are you ready to have you mind absolutely blown open? Because I have an astonishing truth to lay at your feet: While doing this...
It'd make a cool Transformer, but I think that about lots of stuff.

The Powerplay update will change how you play Elite: Dangerous

The next big update for Elite: Dangerous centers around the Powerplay system, and it's enough to change the way you see the game world....

Koster on Star Wars Galaxies’ combat and social connectivity ‘glue’

MMO designer Raph Koster is back with yet another post-mortem on Star Wars Galaxies, this one the second part of his "living society" discussion. Get...

Raph Koster’s epic Star Wars Galaxies’ post-mortem

Veteran game designer Raph Koster has been delivering a series of Star Wars Galaxies post-mortem posts over the past few weeks. We've rounded up...
More like real reality.

The Elder Scrolls Online halts in-game ads

Wasn't it great when The Elder Scrolls Online put ads in the middle of the screen for cash shop items during a welcome back...
Rated a really good decision in an internal poll.

EverQuest II explains Rum Cellar pricing

Are you ready to head down into a cellar, get some rum, and become the lord or lady of rum in EverQuest II? Because...