The kraken? Oh, the kraken in ArcheAge was so last week’s terrifying sea foe. Now the fantasy sandbox has a new threat emerging from the deeps: the leviathan.
In yesterday’s Devouring Depths patch, ArcheAge released the leviathan into the wild. While the creature promises tremendous rewards for those who best it, doing so will require an immense show of naval force. From now until July 7th, there’s also a periodic event that encourages players to get out on the seas and take on the beast.
The new patch also introduced the peaceful Miroir Tundra zone, which looks to be a prime destination for ice fishing and bear attacks. What’s ice fishing? It’s a new hobby system in the game that will require you to craft a special fishing pole, hack through the ice, and see what’s waiting underneath.
Other changes with the patch include two new house styles and the disabling of the fog of war on the map.