When it comes to MMO betas, don’t you usually want to cut through the hype and hysteria to get at the truth of whether or not the game is, y’know, good? YouTuber KineticGTR sought to do just that in his sojourns in Black Desert’s Korean beta test, and while he was initially excited about the game, after he spent some time playing, his opinion soured on it.
“I’m sorry to report that things are not as amazing as they seem in currently in the game,” the author said. “It is what it is: a very pretty but shallow game.”
In the review, KineticGTR concedes Black Desert is “stunning” and “charming,” with a strong combat system. However, he docks the game for lacking robust sandbox features and for being far too easy.
You can watch the full 25-minute review of Black Desert’s beta after the break.