How did we get here? This place is crawling with too many games. Smells like ozone. I never thought we’d be here for this long. We’ve survived shutdowns of games, the site shutdown, crowdfunding, commenters, personal crises, even that stupid hurricane. How many different ways can you get someone to sit in front of a computer for hours, weeks, months at a time?
Lots, apparently. Maybe we should have written that screenplay about the sassy robot.
It doesn’t matter, though; you’re the original. A big-shot writer, remember? You can fly! Or at least you can write about people who know how to fly. So the next time you type “What Are You Playing” and ask the community to respond to all of the stuff the Massively crew is getting up to over the weekend, it’ll light up a million monitors.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Oh, why lie: I’m back in Ultima Online and really enjoying it. May as well keep at it a few weeks before I get sucked into the inevitable time-vortex that is Guild Wars 2. I’m in the middle of a major switcharound of my UO characters’ skills. Up first? Converting my fisher/gardener into a rares thief.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I have no idea; moving and personal stuff have made this an awful week. I’d like to get some time in Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft, as is the custom.
Jef Reahard (@jefreahard): Eh, I don’t have much time to game this weekend. I might manage a bit of Star Wars: Uprising.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Right now I’m installing the Sword Coast Legends head start, so I’m definitely curious to take it out for a spin over the weekend and see if it’s worth the ravings I’ve heard. Also, Marvel Heroes is hosting an Odin’s Bounty weekend, and papa wants some loot.
Larry Everett (@Shaddoe, blog): I’m still hopping around in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I’m going to have to buckle down and finish decorating the guild stronghold. I’ve got all the major furniture in place; now it’s just a matter of adding frills.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I’ll be sailing around in ARK: Survival Evolved, as well as replacing some dinosaurs (R.I.P. Poly, sniff). I’ve also got a few more goals that are keeping me more active in ArcheAge lately, and I might be popping into Skyforge and/or SWTOR with friends. Come to think of it, I am really missing one friend so I will head into Grand Theft Auto Online just so we can go steal some cars together! That will make it all better.
Patreon Donor Thatchefdude: Taking a break from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain to work on my crafters in FFXIV. Also, Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 launched this week, and I love soccer, so I’ll probably put a couple hours into that.
Patreon Donor Pierre: I’m still really enjoying Vana’diel this week, the world of Final Fantasy XI, exploring, fighting, fishing, wandering aimlessly, definitely love to relax here. I stopped Skyforge out of boredom: this game is too repetitive for me. I had another World of Tanks relapse, but the MatchMaker is not kind with me and losing (or winning too easily) over and over because of an obvious lack of balance between opposite teams is extremely frustrating. So I’m looking for a second MMO to play for a change from FFXI… I think I’ll look at MOP writers’ and readers’ WRUP contributions to find new ideas.
Your turn… don’t lead Pierre astray!