C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me. D is for dinosaur, that’s actually a lot better than cookies, and I really like cookies. Q is for quietus, which you can make yourself with a bare bodkin according to Hamlet; I don’t know what quietus is, but I assume it’s kind of like a quiche. M is for municipal, and it also will be standing in for the letter X for the next four months due to budget cuts. Ampersands are sitting outside in the lobby glaring with cold, unyielding fury until they can once more join the alphabet. Hay is for horses.
W-R-U-P is for What Are You Playing, a weekly thing in which you tell us what you’re playing in the comments after we tell you all of the stuff we’re doing over the weekend. Z is the last letter of the alphabet and it is all you are contractually required to know about that stupid letter. I is apparently not used for spelling the word “team” but is used for the words “allegiance,” “incorporate,” and “stimulant.”
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I’ll be tinkering in Ultima Online this weekend and hopefully checking out the anniversary awards if they get turned on. Last weekend I turned my fisher into a thief; this weekend I think I’m going to turn my macer into a bard. It’s not weird that half my characters are bards, right?
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): It’s going to be an unpleasant busy weekend, but when I can I’ll be working in Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft. I’ll also be jaunting about from time to time in 20XX, which came out of nowhere but really scratches the itch left unaddressed by the lack of a decent Mega Man X game for years.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m fairly predictable as of late: Lots of WildStar and Star Wars: The Old Republic to prepare for both of those games’ upcoming releases. Would like to get back to Project Gorgon at some point in the future, however, and I might be trying out Devilian.
Matt Daniel (@Matt_DanielMVOP): I’ve been spending every iota of my very limited leisure time playing Destiny and getting my Warlock geared up, and this weekend I’m hoping to wrangle up a group to take on the King’s Fall raid and put an end to Oryx once and for all. That will probably take up the majority of my spare time this weekend, but if I happen to have some left over, I’d also like to jump into Final Fantasy XIV to continue my slow crawl to the level cap.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): There are so many new dinos that I do not have in ARK: Survival Evolved that I must dedicate my weekend to obtaining them. Oh, and building a super cool uber-raft! Seeing everyone’s cool ideas during the Pimp My Raft contest makes me want to create something extra-stupendous. Other than that, I will probably just be spending more time playing on my cool new mounts in ArcheAge (the griffon) and in The Secret World (my sweet hoverboard).
Patreon Donor Jake Dunnegan: It’s not massively, but it is multiplayer! Playing some Divinity: Original Sin with the wife, and I’m buying the four-copy version in the studio’s current Kickstarter. I had never played before last weekend, and it’s great! MMO-wise, going to hop into SWTOR and take advantage of some of the questlines while I still can, as advised by a recent Hyperspace Beacon article right here on MOP. Shout out to my daughter, who plays regularly on the MOP ARK server! (She’s the one building houses all over the place – many thanks to the kind soul who gave her a raptor!) Great and helpful folks on the MOP ARK server!
Your turn!