Yeah, we give up. Just go ahead and spoil the hell out of the new Star Wars movie in the comments. Talk about how Kyle Wren or whatever his name is supposed to be rides a totally sick motorcycle with rainbows into the Imperial headquarters and then breaks out in a guitar solo. Wait, there are no guitars in the franchise. Whatever is like a guitar without being a guitar, then. Ithorian Guitallmotron or whatever the hell. Or talk about how Grandpa cosplaying Han Solo shoots so first that you don’t find out he did so until the movie ends and you realize he shot ultra-first.
Really, I don’t care any more. Don’t even make proper use of What Are You Playing this week, just spoil the heck out of the movie and then act like you are super special and original for plastering spoilers where everyone can see them because that’s a cool thing to do. I don’t care. But maybe you should just let us know what you’re playing while avoiding spoilers out of consideration for those people who do care. That’s be pretty rad.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): If I get any gaming time, it’ll probably be Devilian or Black Desert. Both are on my shortlist, followed by Albion and Blade & Soul. But most likely I’ll be working and preparing for the Christmas crazy!
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Oh, the usual – Final Fantasy XIV, some Blade & Soul, hopefully a little Xenoblade Chronicles X, maybe a bit of Lying In Bed Horrified That I Cannot Wake Up Or Stay Up Through A Full Day. Fun stuff.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Huzzah, there’s finally a new The Secret World issue! I definitely need to dig into that and wrap up my Tokyo experience. Apart from that, I have some WildStar Winterfest questing to do, some World of Warcraft leveling, and perhaps a spot of Marvel Heroes starring Magik.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I’ll actually be poking back into RIFT just a little so I can get the special Trove class unlocked! I’ll also be hanging with a friend in Sword Coast Legends since it is open for the free weekend as well as poking around Black Desert‘s closed beta. Then I’ll be enjoying holiday festivities in The Secret World, Lord of the Rings Online, EverQuest II, ArcheAge, Marvel Heroes, and Star Wars: The Old Republic. That should keep me occupied just a wee bit!
Your turn!