Having written about it recently, I found myself thinking that it might not even matter if Phantasy Star Online 2 even comes out in North America. Seriously, it’s been out for three years now with no sign of localization. If it came out tomorrow, would anyone care any longer? Would people just write it off as yesterday’s jam?
It’s not unique in this department, of course. The same questions were raised when ArcheAge released with no sign of a North American localization for an extended period of time, and people have speculated that the long delay between Blade & Soul‘s native release and its localized release will dampen enthusiasm.
Delays in general can bring a game from The Next Big Thing to A Title You Have Forgotten About. Localization delays can be even worth, because they can mean that the game is out and its flaws are on full display… and you can read about them before you’re having any actual fun in the game. So do long localization delays make you less likely to play games? Or are you excited about the same titles no matter how long they may take to arrive?