WRUP: Pamela, my love edition


Pamela, my love! I wrote you this missive on this “web-site” so that everyone may see it, especially the numerous men whose homes you have broken into for the purposes of armed and nonsensical assault. I fear I cannot contain my love for you any longer, and indeed my loins have burned for you ever since I set them aflame at the Fifteenth Annual Loin Immolation as Proof of Romantic Ardor Competition in Newark in December. Which, I might note, I really would have won if not for that guy with the flamethrower codpiece.

In short, I can no longer contain myself, and I fear that I may find myself overwhelmed by love for you in the near future. If this happens, Pamela, my love, if I can no longer keep my love for you caged within my breast, I wish you to know that it’s your fault, I completely blame you, and when they find me at my writing-desk they will know that it’s your fault. You will get the chair this time. Farewell, Pamela!

Note: for the entertainment of those assembled, a brief section known as “What Are You Playing” shall follow a brief intermission. Your entries are welcomed below, &c.

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): ​Another busy weekend for me. As always, Hearthstone‘s on the list, but I need some good local multiplayer fun, so there will probably be some Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros for Wii U action.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): In my romantic dreams of what my weekend will be like: Playing Grim Dawn, which I cleverly purchased years ago and now do not have to budget for. In my reality: Helping Dave with our site upgrade, drinking a lot of tea, and freaking out.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Final Fantasy XIV‘s patch 3.2, doy. Some World of Warcraft testing on the side, maybe.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Right now I’m trying to power through the main story quest in Final Fantasy XIV on an underpowered laptop, so we’ll see how that goes.

MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I will be playing a new simulator where I drive 9+ hours each way in order to cram as much house-hunting into a day as possible. If I can log in anywhere it will be to feed dinos in ARK: Survival Evolved and tend crops in ArcheAge. I am hoping wifi will be decent enough to start my headstart Black Desert adventures!

Thatchefdude, patron: This weekend I will be continuing my second playthrough of Rise of the Tomb Raider on Survivor difficulty, trying to do a completionist run. I’ll carve out some time for FFXIV of course, and probably a little NBA 2k16 somewhere in between.

Your turn!

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