WRUP: Never been to BotCon edition

It ends as it began, in love with Beast Wars.

Transformer fans have been informed that this year’s BotCon will be the final BotCon in in this particular form. What that means for the future is as of yet unclear; what it definitely means is that a tradition that’s been going in one form or another since 1994 is coming to an end. And for me, it’s a kind of bittersweet note, because I’ve never actually been to BotCon despite having been an ardent Transformers fan for most of my life.

This isn’t entirely unsurprising; I’ve never been one for conventions or for crowds in general, and every year the cost of attending the show has just gotten higher. Still, it’s a big thing for me, and on some level I suppose I always thought it would be there forever. Of course, I was also never willing to drop several hundred dollars on toys, no matter how much I might like the individual decos of those toys. Perhaps it’s for the best.

Anyhow, personal natterings aside, it’s time for this week’s What Are You Playing; let us know what you’re doing in the comments below!

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Recovering from a hell of a week, and not all bad (Japanese work parties the night before work seems like such an obvious mistake). I’ll spend some more time in Hearthstone preparing for the loss of Goblins vs. Gnomes (*cry*), and a big chunk of time playing more Hyrule Warriors Legends. Someone was able to get me to try Miitomo so I’ll probably hit that up too (anyone else who’s playing, feel free to mention it in the comments, as I keep hearing people uninstall from the lack of connections).

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Absolutely, definitely Guild Wars 2. Super Adventure Box got me back, and now my husband and I are playing through Heart of Thorns again, picking up where we left off. SAB is fun. HoT is… eh. HoT makes me want to go back to leveling lowbies and crafting. Which I am also doing!

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Aside from my usual Final Fantasy XIV antics, I had the mad impulse this week to get back into Final Fantasy XI in light of the April version update. Lo and behold, I’m back on my original account that I lost access to back in 2006, which means a lot to me. So I’ll be catching back up there!

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m still making my way through Warlords of Draenor right now, so World of Warcraft is a comfortable refuge. I’d like to play more of The Secret World, time permitting, and maybe some Marvel Heroes.

MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I plan on spending the majority of my time in ARK: Survival Evolved exploring caves and taming new dinos, while in Path of Exile I’m working my way to Act III, and in ArcheAge I’m gathering the resources to grow my new treehouse. I might also fish in Black Desert, but I can do that while playing the other games!

Thatchefdude, patron: I’ll be fooling around in FFXIV as always; I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me to get Blacksmith and Armorer to 60. Otherwise, I may play a bit of Star Wars Battlefront on PS4 with some friends…

Your turn!

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