As much as I’ve been enjoying my time in Final Fantasy XI and seeing stuff that was previously inaccessible, one of the big things I’ve realized is that leveling in the game never felt satisfying. It never felt like that was something I was happy with, just one fewer barrier between me and what I wanted to do. By contrast, hitting level 50 on Ninja in Final Fantasy XIV felt satisfying; I had managed to do so in less than four days, and it meant that I was where I had wanted to be in roleplaying terms for years.
Still, that wasn’t the most satisfying level I’ve ever had. If I was really pressed for it, I think the most satisfying level up I ever had was in Star Trek Online, of all the things in the world. Hitting Admiral rank and being able to fly one of my favorite classes of ship (the Prometheus-class) just felt super satisfying.
But this isn’t about my most satisfying levels, it’s about yours. What’s the most satisfying level up you’ve ever experienced in an MMO? What threshold really felt like a big milestone when you crossed it, even if you knew it wasn’t that big of a deal objectively?