Never let it be said that Elite Dangerous isn’t an ambitious title. Right now, Frontier has projects going on to benefit three versions of the game: Elite 1.6, Horizons 2.1, and The Engineers 2.1.
In its 121st newsletter, Frontier talks about some of the improvements coming to the game in the near future. The studio started off by talking about the upgraded mission system, which will soon give players a face and personality to go with the NPC mission handlers. “As well as informing you of available missions and your progress, the individuals giving you the missions will tell you how your mission affects the system and your reputation and influence,” the studio said.
Missiles and torpedoes are getting a lot of work, traffic control should be a lot more chatty, and ice mining will soon become an in-game activity. One project that is being handled for The Engineers is an experimental modification system which will “improve and upgrade the stats on every module of your ship, and add rare, experimental effects to your weapons.”
Sounds good to us!