Before the album comes out, check out the full track listing for our debut album, Straight Outta Co-Opted Culture.
- Hello (skit)
- How Did We Get Here (skit)
- No, This Is Not A Skit, I Do Not Remember Agreeing To This (skit)
- Open PvP featuring Pitbull featuring Alternate Universe Pitbull featuring An Actual Pitbull, no, like we just brought a dog into the studio and he was supposed to bark but then he just got sleepy and affectionate so we spent a bunch of time petting him
- I Am Afraid Of Dogs (skit)
- Gold Farmin featuring Eazy-E, wait he’s dead, this guy looks just like him and he said he was Eazy-E, I’m pretty sure it was him featuring An extremely angry Dr. Dre traveling forward from 1994 featuring Nat King Cole
- (Level) Capped featuring the entirety of the 1974 Yes album “Relayer” as a sample featuring A dial-up modem
- Who Wants To Get Lunch (skit)
- Just Playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas For Half An Hour (skit)
- PST featuring J-Reazy featuring No, I’m J-Reazy, That Guy Is Inkumbent featuring The Wu-Tang Clan Punching You In The Face If You Did Not Pay Seven Million Dollars For One Album featuring D.R. Mock and J@lad
- What Are You Playing featuring your weekend plans in the comments.
- Money (skit)
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Job applications count as an MMO, right? No? But, the PvP feels so real! At any rate, Hearthstone is going to see some time on my tablet, as my gaming laptop has had some serious issues. I’m hoping the two week vacation I gave it means it’ll let me at least try a little of the Overwatch beta but I’m not holding my breath.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Diablo III for sure, plus I’ve been futzing around with mods in the Elder Scrolls games, so maybe a bit in there. Oh yeah, and I picked up a Steam copy of Star Wars Rebellion during the Steam sale. Best Star Wars game ever (aside from Star Wars Galaxies and Knights of the Old Republic, of course). Maybe I can make it fight with my GOG copy.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): You know it’s going to be Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV, because I am painfully predictable. Maybe a bit of World of Warcraft in there as well.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Star Trek Online has beckoned for another tour of duty, but before that I really need to catch up in the epic story of Lord of the Rings Online.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I plan on spending plenty of time in ARK: Survival Evolved. Plenty of new dinosaurs to experience, and I have some ideas for events I want to flesh out. There are also anniversary events in Lord of the Rings Online to do (I just like smacking people with a big hammer in the bar brawl). Then I will continue my adventures in Black Desert Online, maybe even whittling down my quest journal a bit.
Pierre, patron: Hello MOP readers. I hope you have a very sunny weekend like I do. But no reason to stay outside all weekend when you can spend it in Tamriel and Vana’diel (yes, I only join MMO worlds with names that end in “…iel”). For those not aware of those names, it means I’ll be playing The Elder Scrolls Online and Final Fantasy XI respectively (damn Eliot for the latter, he shouldn’t have mentioned his return to FFXI). Enjoy the weekend.
Thatchefdude, patron: I’m going to be spending a lot of time playing Battleborn this weekend. Incursion mode is really really fun. Other than that, I’ve decided to cool off on FFXIV after hitting it hard the past 6 months or so. I’m weighing up trying to beat one of the Uncharted games on Crushing difficulty before Uncharted 4 hits on Tuesday, but I’ve heard it’s extremely tough and frustrating so I may just nix that…
Your turn!