I know I need to put more time into Tree of Savior. When it launched, I logged in and was bombarded by a horrific control scheme and gold spam pouring in from multiple channels on my screen, so I pretty much logged out after 15 minutes, horrified, congratulating myself on not having wasted any cash on it.
And yet it’s so damn pretty. And I know readers whose opinions I trust are having a blast in there. So I know it gets better with some effort, and I know my snap-judgment is incomplete. Sometime when I have a stronger stomach or more patience, I’ll give it another go.
On the other hand, there are some games that I really do feel I can accurately judge in 15 minutes, not for publication but for my own personal playtime. I prefer to put a few weeks in to my serious MMOs before opining, but for the random cheapie-bin stuff I pick up during Steam sales, I use my 15-minute rule.
How about you guys? How long do you test an MMORPG before judging it worthy or unworthy of continued play?