Shroud of the Avatar has not been hacked, but you should tighten your security anyway.
Portalarium writes tonight that perpetrators of the Dota 2 forum hack made known yesterday are attempting to access any SOTA accounts whose owners made the security mistake of using the same account info across both games.
“[W]e are under a hacking attack that is using these leaked username/password combinations to try and login to Shroud and has succeeded several times so far,” writes the studio. “If you have played one of these games that has been compromised you may be one of the victims we identified today. You must make sure your username, or at least your password is unique on our site. We insist that you change your password if you have any doubt. FYI, this is good security behavior in general.”
SOTA’s website has been temporarily disabled as a precautionary measure and should be coming back online just as this article goes live. “When we bring it back up,” says Portalarium, “please login to the website, click on ‘Account’ to go to your Account Page, click ‘Edit Profile’ link beneath your profile image, and enter a new password on your Profile Settings page.”