I have to admit, I’ve been watching everything going down with No Man’s Sky with the interest of an outside observer. I’ve never been on board with the game and had pretty much zero expectations for it outside of it working more or less as advertised, which it… may or may not actually do. The whole “players are in the same spot but can’t meet up” thing is baffling, but it also kind of makes sense, except insofar as this did happen when the designers were sure it wouldn’t happen.
That seems like a pretty good way to make sure no one notices it doesn’t work, right? Say that the chances are astronomically low that it’ll happen and then no one will really notice when it never happens? I mean, if I were feeling particularly cynical, I’d almost go so far as to say it’s the perfect way to disguise multiplayer not working, if it was ever intended to work that way.
But, eh, lots of people are having fun with the game anyway, so what do I care? The answer is that I don’t. Let me know what you’re playing in the comments, since this is our weekly installment of What Are You Playing. Yes, even if it’s something sky-related.
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): This is my final weekend in Japan for awhile. Like when I first visited Japan fresh out of high school, I’ll be celebrating Obon, but this time, I’ll be a bit older, and playing Pokemon Go. A family friend may even play a bit with me, despite not being a trainer as a child! Oh, and that Hearthstone party thing is out, so I should hit that up.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Definitely Guild Wars 2. Really having a great time in there again! Hey ArenaNet, bring back all the old cosmetics in the cash shop – what’s in there is bland! Take my money! I’ve also been tooling with the Diablo III season, though thanks to my character choice, it’s been the least fun yet so far.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Between World of Warcraft‘s demon invasions and my usual stuff in Final Fantasy XIV, I should be pretty busy. I have a touch of wanderlust, though, so I may wind up playing something else from my remarkably large collection of unplayed stuff. There’s plenty of options in there.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I have plans to check out the fan-made StarCraft MMO over the weekend, so I’ll do that and get some invasion time in with World of Warcraft.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog):I will be playing lots of ARK: Survival Evolved this weekend. I have so many plans: build a fishing boat, tame some diplos (to get eggs to tame an allosaurus pack), tame a quetzal, finish my workshop, conquer a cave… I want to advance a step or two in each goal. Besides that, I will be putting some time into Shroud of the Avatar. I haven’t actually been in the game for over a year, and there is going to be so much more to experience now! I will also be opening the rest of my Legends of Norrath packs and claiming all my loot before the TCG shuts down next week. I don’t wanna lose out on my paintings, houses, and stuff that I have gotten for EverQuest II.
Your turn!