It is hard to miss that there is a lot of emotional baggage and wary caution concerning Snail Games’ reboot of Dark and Light into a smaller MMO survival sandbox. But can we as a community come together and at least agree that the game’s improved visuals are quite stunning to behold?
Snail has been teasing different parts of the game by posting pictures to its Twitter feed, and recently the studio gave players glimpses into some of the racial cities. First up were the Elves: “The Elven home city of Estel is a great choice for players who prefer the great outdoors and bright, wide-open spaces!” The burly Dwarves got some recognition as well: “Dark and Light’s Dwarven race makes their home in Zaharul, a massive city carved out from the inside of an enormous mountain.”
Dark and Light was supposed to come out on Steam early access this fall, but with time running out and Snail confirming that a November release will not be happening, players might find themselves waiting to the new year to try out this game.