Hope you like clockwork critters because Shroud of the Avatar is about to get a slew of them. The game’s latest newsletter shows off such beasties as the clockwork attack cat, clockwork attack raven, and the assassin automaton, all part of the clockwork menagerie that’ll be inflicted on players in K’rul thanks to those craft kobolds.
Of note to fans of Old Britannia and the original Ultima games is the upcoming town blessing system, which is basically a clone of Richard Garriott’s classic virtue shrine system. Each shrine — I mean, devotional — is based on one of the core virtues and principles and grants a buff accordingly. For example, the Justice devotional reduces your fizzle chance and buffs your cooking skill. Good food is justice.
There’s much more to the newsletter, including another look at the gloriously crumbly and moss-drenched Rhun ruins and some gorgeous screenshots, which we’ve tucked below.