The open beta start experienced a minor one-hour delay but should be live by the time you read this. This ushers us into a one-week period of early access for founders before the doors open to the general public. If you want to get in on the ground floor during this time, you’ll need to spend at least $18 on a founder’s pack.
If you want to wait to see how the first week shakes out or are just frugal, you can jump into Revelation Online’s open beta next Monday, March 6th. The initial soft launch is only on English servers, but French and German-speaking players will have the option to transfer to localized servers when those launch at a later date. As this is a soft launch, presumably there will be no further character wipes going forward.
Here’s the early access trailer:
Still on the fence? Maybe MJ’s playthrough of the third beta will help you decide.