Kickstarter announced last week that donors have officially backed 10,000 funded games projects.
That’s almost 2.5 million people pledging $613 million; more than half of those donors backed multiple projects. The numbers encompass all games, not just video games, but it’s still meaty, and it’s come a long way since the 2013 $100 million pledged mark.
Kickstarter’s own tracking page says there have been 121,758 successfully funded projects to date, with almost $3 billion in pledges. The success rate overall has fallen in the last five years, from 44% in 2012 to just under 36% as of today.
Statista shows the games category specifically in fifth place behind music, film and video, publishing, and art as of January. Journalism, we’d like to note, is down at the bottom in terms of success rates, making us eternally grateful to our backers who helped us beat the odds.
Curious about MMOs that have been funded? Massively OP’s Make My MMO feature tracks them every weekend.