It’s not really difficult to tell when an announcement is an April Fools’ Day joke; they’re usually pretty obvious. Final Fantasy XIV‘s announcement of Tactics Alexander did not actually convince me it was going to exist. But I really want it to exist because I endlessly adore Final Fantasy Tactics and would play through an amalgam of the two games like it was my job. (Which, in light of FFXIV’s extant cues from the Ivalice games, it already kind of is.)
This is not the first time this has happened, though. Laugh all you want, but I would be thrilled if World of Warcraft had actually added the Bard. Heck, there have been some Star Citizen gags that I’ve found more interesting than the actual game itself. The mark of a good April Fools’ Day joke is not just whether the joke is funny; it’s also about whether or not you want the joke to be real despite knowing it’s not. So now that the most recent year is fading into memory, we ask you: What MMO April Fool’s Day joke makes you sad it’s just a joke? Which game gave you something ridiculous, only for you to mutter “wait, I actually want that”?