Bless Watch continues here in the west, where we twiddle our fingers and eye with envy the doings of this MMORPG over in Korea. Will it ever arrive and herald the sunrise of our hopes and dreams? Have faith, little one. That day will come. Probably.
In the meanwhile, we can continue to check out how Neowiz handles this MMO property, such as with its new “Welcome Service” event. It’s actually a comeback promotion designed to entice fresh and returning players to log into the game daily in order to, well, you know the drill. Presents, gifts, rewards, and so much bribes.
The promotion is most likely in conjunction with next week’s big Urdata War Fortress content update. Aeria Games is reportedly still working on localizing the game for western release, although there is still no word as to a release window. Reddit is guessing “summer 2017,” so mark that down in the office pool.