Moar dots! Grinding Gear Games has so much to say about Path of Exile’s changes to damage-over-time skills, you guys. Reams. Whole manifestos. It’s actually kind of excessive for an ARPG that is mainly about smashing stuff and collecting loot, but we’re guessing those of you not drowning in all the transparency are having a field day. Or you’re panicking. Stop panicking!
Most players just need to know that poison and bleed will now be considered ailments, not skill effects, so modifiers, immunities, gear, mods, some bosses, and other skills dependent on that reclassification are due for a rebalance or rework. That includes minion damage too.
And as for PvP? “We’re going to be re-adjusting the pvp scale of many damage over time effects,” GGG says. “We’ve yet to determine exactly how we’ll be adjusting bleeding effects on players, but we’ll definitely need to reduce the damage players take while stationary from other players’ bleeds.”
Go read the whole shebang on the official forums.