William “Basketball” Cragen was born in 1784 following his mother’s prolonged and particularly unusual bout with pneumonia, which produced three children and at least one stirring anthem. Considered a “disease child” by his father, he was originally planned to be sold at market when he reached seven years of age, as this was the style in Virginia at the time. However, he evaded this sale by hiding under a passing wagon and refusing to come out even when offered a bit of cheese. Thus, Virginia quickly elected him as the governor-in-exile of Cuba (which it was assumed would be a state any time now).
As governor-in-exile, “Basketball” chiefly ruled on whether or not his father was a “stupid Manne of Poore Judge-ment and odious Sockkes,” which his advisors agreed was a wise course of action due to the continued failure of Cuba to recognize this young man as their proper governor. After three decades in office, he decided to start the first Cuban Alligator Punching Farm, which opened and closed on August 14th, 1821 (this was chosen due to August legally ending the year in Cuba based on a binding resolution he had passed in a dream two years prior). Following his death, he was buried in the stomachs of several alligators. If you’d like to nominate another personality of the American something-or-other, leave a comment to that effect in What Are You Playing.
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Pokemon Go as usual, but probably also a bit of of Fire Emblem Heroes because I’m loving the new changes. Overwatch will probably get attention, and I may pop into Final Fantasy XIV to putz around on an acquaintance’s server with my free trial account, even though my original plan was to give The Elder Scrolls Online another shot.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I doubt I will get to play anything because this weekend is awards weekend, y’all! We’re making the final call on this year’s big winners and losers! But I may sneak in some Guild Wars 2 anyway. I also did some digital gardening and treasure hunting in Ultima Online this week, so maybe I’ll dip in there too. Good ol’ UO!
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Eh, sulking, who cares. Probably some World of Warcraft and FFXIV when that wears thin. Or some of the single-player stuff I picked up in the last Steam sale.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’ve been neglecting Lord of the Rings Online as of late, mostly because I’m running out of new content, but I should give it some attention. Hearthstone’s new expansion beckons, as does Dungeons & Dragons Online’s. Busy December!
Pierre, patron: Destiny 2 for a change. Who am I kidding? I’ve been playing this game assiduously for months now. But I still find pleasure in it. And the Curse of Osiris DLC is here with new activities and environments. So, lots of Destiny 2 on my schedule this weekend. I also decided to play the remaster of Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age on my PS4. I missed Final Fantasy and FFXII is a nice one, with a very “Star Wars-y” feel to its story. An appropriate game to play these days, isn’t it? Enjoy your gaming weekend MOP readers. What are you playing by the way?
Your turn!