Last week, Trion Worlds announced a bold move for its MMORPG RIFT: Debuting this spring will be a brand-new server for the game with a business model that differs from the base game’s. The so-called RIFT Prime server will be a fresh start progression server with a subscription model that doesn’t have lockboxes and has only a minimal cash shop “with more of the current store-based items obtained through gameplay (or removed entirely).” The server has a few other perks that borrow from other games with such servers, including scaling content/loot and participation rewards usable back on “home” servers.
Based on our comments from last week, quite a lot of people are intrigued by the game, having been turned off in the past because of its business model, so this is a good chance to put your sub money where your mouth is, so to speak. Other people are done with the game and nothing’s gonna bring them back.
Let’s poll it out: Will you be playing RIFT’s new server?
Will you be playing on the new RIFT Prime?
- Yep. I play RIFT already, and I can't wait for this. Take my money. (3%, 13 Votes)
- Yes! I used to play RIFT, but this server will bring me back. (20%, 98 Votes)
- Yes! I've never played RIFT, but I'll give this server a try. (2%, 8 Votes)
- Maybe. I want to see how it shakes out before deciding. (26%, 127 Votes)
- No, I won't play RIFT Prime, but I will still play regular RIFT. (3%, 17 Votes)
- No. I don't like this particular server ruleset, but I am open to other RIFT rulesets in the future. (3%, 14 Votes)
- No. I don't like alternative servers in MMOs at all. (2%, 10 Votes)
- No. There's nothing that would bring me back to RIFT. (28%, 136 Votes)
- No. I've never played RIFT and won't play this either. (4%, 20 Votes)
- Elf butts / no vote / just view responses. (9%, 46 Votes)
Total Voters: 481