“Valentine’s Day is coming up next week and you will see the world of BDO to be a bit more flirtatious than usual and seasonal decorations reflect all the love in the air… xoxo,” says Kakao. “But not all is love and flowers; there is also a danger lurking.” That ancient danger would be a new guild boss called Ancient Puturum, now summonable in Valencia for titles and loot.
Additionally, there are new login rewards, a few tweaks for crafting, no more annoying combat stance reminders for highbie toons, and a fix for that poor goat in Serendia. Expect class adjustements all around, though the bulk are for Witches and Wizards. Also! “Fixed the issue with unnatural falling motions Characters made when falling off the bridge handrails near Heidel” – because the problem was the unnatural motions, not the falling! Hey y’all maybe don’t climb on the handrails? Doesn’t seem entirely safe? Just a suggestion.