With Villagers and Heroes handing over unprecedented control of its village design and decoration to players with next week’s Wellspring expansion, there’s a lot to absorb in a short amount of time. To get players on board with the big changes coming on May 14th, Mad Otter Games showed up for a Reddit AMA yesterday to talk about the game in general.
A case was made for why Villagers and Heroes is the best mobile MMO: “Compared to most mobile MMOs, it definitely features much more actual content — zones to explore, quests to complete, items to find, etc. — so if you enjoy exploring it may be right up your alley. It’s also not very competitive (PvE only) which may fit a casual playstyle well.”
The team also pointed out that the game avoids a lot of the pay-to-win issues and paywalls found in other mobile titles. Other topics discussed included gamepad support, combat pets, flying mounts, guild population limits, and how village stacking will work in Wellspring.
Check out the latest edition of the Ledger! 😀 https://t.co/U8YVTTtkra And claim a free gift with the code: wellspringledger pic.twitter.com/Ye9swfxHKY
— Villagers & Heroes (@villagersheroes) May 9, 2018