Bless Online hasn’t quite yet dug out of the hole it made for itself during its early access launch, but at least Neowiz has identified the most important step to take in improving the game’s chances: server stability and consolidation.
A producer’s letter posted on Friday talked about the next steps that the studio will be taking to make the servers a better place on which to play. The good news is that Neowiz has tracked down a key issue that was causing serious server issues and has since corrected it, causing the sahrds to become more stable.
The studio also said that now the rush to check out the game is over, it will be consolidating servers down to four: two in North America and two in Europe. Ever the hopeful studio, Neowiz did say that it will keep the remaining temporary servers on hand if and when they are needed for the game’s official launch. Details are forthcoming about the server merges and how they will affect players and their items.
The merges are tenatively scheduled for the end of July, to be followed by the release of the Siege of Castra 70v70 mode.