Lately I can’t stop listening to one of the newest pieces of music added to Final Fantasy XIV. A Land Long Dead is at once haunting and energizing, a perfect dungeon tune and just great environmental music. But since the game lets you alter housing music anyway, it’s one of many songs you can have on repeat in living spaces if you so desire, a feature I appreciate.
This isn’t just to shower love on FFXIV; WildStar’s ambient music is still among my favorite ever (even just the login music is brilliant), and even though I’ve never liked Darnassus the music of the city is still a great part of World of Warcraft. And that’s just my peculiarities; I’m sure there are people out there with very different tastes.
So why not share those today? Let us know what your favorite piece of MMO music is, and if you can link it down below, so much the better. And if you’ve got several pieces, why not share a few?