It’s time to go back to the Shire once again.
Today, Lord of the Rings Online opened up its first “legendary” progression server, Anor. Subscribers and lifetime members have the opportunity to start out in a fresh realm that will initially be capped at level 50 in the old Shadows of Angmar-era zones. Standing Stone Games said that it will be expanding the game map and raising the level cap roughly every four months afterward as the community moves through the game together.
It should be noted that the studio has decided on an XP reduction of 40% on the server to allow for a slower-paced story and progression. If you’re thinking about rolling up a new character on Anor, you might want to check out our six tips on getting off to a good start on this progression server. Additionally, both the forums and unofficial legendary server Discord have advertisements for kinships that are recruiting new blood.
“We are aware that players are experiencing a significant queue to get into the Legendary server Anor. The server has been near or at its available concurrent capacity since launch, so people in queue may experience a longer wait until someone logs out. We are also aware that the queue numbering system is not displaying correctly, but the queuing is taking place as intended. IN THE MEANTIME, we are working quickly to get a second Legendary server ready. Ithil is expected to be available for log-in tomorrow. We know many players want to play with their friends, so we will for a limited time be offering FREE character transfers between Ithil and Anor. These character transfers are not yet available, but will be when Ithil opens. Note that other limitations such as wait time between transfers do apply, as do typical transfer naming rules. We are thrilled and humbled by the overwhelming response today, and are continuing to work hard to maximize server availability.”
Ithil is now open! We'll be bringing free limited time character transfers between the two worlds perhaps as soon as tomorrow. Learn more about our Legendary servers here! https://t.co/V8vaUvwFGG #LOTRO pic.twitter.com/VZBtlVShEL
— LOTRO (@lotro) November 8, 2018