Come one, come all, especially come if you’re part of the police! It’s the astonishing Amazo, the magician who enhances his magical mysteries by carrying a gun! Yes, he does everything any practiced stage magician does, but with a flourish only matched by someone else who keeps a firearm in plain view during his entire magical routine! You’ll laugh! You’ll cry! You’ll be astonished! You’ll wonder why in the world he’s pointing at his shoulder holster!
See Amazo’s famous tricks, like the part where he asks you if something is your card without bothering to have you draw one first! Or the “saw a woman in half” trick in which he just smacks a box with a saw and states that she’s totally been cut in half, he doesn’t need to demonstrate, right? Bring the whole family, and leave positive reinforcements in this week’s What Are You Playing!
Also, clap a lot. We seriously don’t know if the gun is, like, a thing or not.
Bonus question: What does your morning routine look like on an average day?
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Pokemon Go again. Really need to lose the holiday chub, and it’s whale watching season, so I wanna be out!
Honestly, I hit the snooze button, roll around, then check messages before it goes off and I force myself to do some morning exercises for 5-20 minutes depending on how guilty I feel. Then food, prep for work, drop off some Pokemon in gyms at the local shopping center before hitting the bus stop, so I can sit and answer emails and study some Japanese before tackling my day job.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Probably the same this weekend as last. I’ve got some Star Wars Galaxies-ing to do, and Justin’s given me that The Elder Scrolls Online itch. Might be time to drag back out my old cat…
Get up, get cleaned up, help my husband get our son ready for school. I’m spoiled since he always makes us breakfast (I love cooking in video games, but IRL it gives me zero joy, go fig). But mostly I sit down and start working – morning MOP triage. I usually crack into email first, then feeds so the newsroom is set up for everyone, then proofing anything waiting for me, and then writing.
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): After a blitzing of zones and monsters, my husband and I got our Blue Mages in Final Fantasy XIV to 50, so now it’s time to do related dungeons, Trials, and the Masked Carnivale stuff. I’ve also begun working on that Barbarian in Diablo III, and I’m probably going to do a bit of advance prep work for my D&D campaign at some point as well.
My morning routine usually consists of staring dully at Discords and Twitter feeds while sipping coffee from my pink octopus mug. It’s name is Boop, as suggested by a good friend of mine. Yes, I assign names and even personalities to inanimate objects sometimes. I probably need more friends in my physical space.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Mostly it’s my usual FFXIV antics as I cap out my tomestones, level alts, and so forth. There’s also an event in Granblue Fantasy and I’ve been reminded of how much I really do enjoy that game, so that’ll be on my roster.
Most mornings I like to get up, take a nice hot shower, and make myself a pair of english muffins in the toaster. I don’t get up long before I have to head out, so it’s usually a chance for me to reflect, catch up on things that happened right as I went to sleep, and so forth.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m ahead of my personal schedule for Lord of the Rings Online progression, so I’ll be turning my attention to trying to finish up Morrowind in The Elder Scrolls Online. Also, I just purchased the Fallout-like Atom RPG and want to give that a try at some point.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I am actually going to be spending time in Outpost Zero. The changes devs have made, especially with making building much easier, have really made the game funner and has drawn me in. I am excitedly building my robot army! I mean, I actually even have four robots now, and never managed past two previously. If I ever find some uranium, I will have many more! More! And I will take over this planet! I also hope to build more in Subnautica. Star Trek Online has its anniversary event going, so I might hop in on that a bit. I think that will all keep me sufficiently occupied.
My morning routine? Oy! Get little man up at 6:30 a.m., do Occupational Therapy with him, get a breakfast ready to send to pre-school, then stand out with him until the bus comes. Here we do fun and silly songs together. After that point, I either 1) go back to bed, 2) go to the gym, or 3) get productive and work! The worse I feel, the more likely I am to default to 1, but am really hoping to spring back soon so I can start with 2 more regularly! Not a large window of time here as munchkin returns at 11:30 a.m. Hopefully I also remember to eat sometime by noon. And shower. Showers are good! They always happen, but the timing varies. OK, I don’t really have a regular morning routine except for the get-ready-for-school stuff.
Your turn!