We all know the big three roles in most MMO design at this point: tanks, healers, and DPS. But these are not the only roles available, and no, this isn’t going to be about how there used to be a larger number roles or a different big three or whatever. No, this is about the fact that there are different roles, like the person who knows a dungeon/boss fight/exploration area and is willing to explain to the rest of the group. Or the group leader. Or the group peacemaker, soothing over disputes when they arrive.
Face it, those three roles are just the mechanical roles. And maybe there’s one of those you just won’t play, because you hate tanking in Star Wars: The Old Republic or you already did your time as a Red Mage in Final Fantasy XI and never want a support role again. Or maybe you just hate leading the group and making decisions, or you hate being the one to start conversations, or whatever. Are there party roles you will not fulfill in MMOs, regardless of their necessity?