Sadistic player-designed maze traps Fallout 76 gamers


In a world where there are no NPCs, Fallout 76 players have to get really creative about what to do with their time. One player named Korindabar found a very inventive way to pass the time that fits perfectly into the sadistic, post-apocalyptic world — all while not wearing pants: He created a death maze.

Dressed in a top hat and blue robe, Korindabar invites players to follow him over to his creation with promises of winning prizes according to the signs around the deadly contraption. Once the other players are inside, Korindabar locks the door behind them and unleashes a ferocious, level-21 Deathclaw. And if that wasn’t enough to entertain him, Korindabar created a way to view the carnage from platforms above the maze.

You can watch the horrifically funny video featuring Take Me Home, Country Roads by COPILOT Music + Sound below.

Source: YouTube via VG 24/7
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