Let us drink the Juice. Let us. Drink the Juice. The Juice. We desire the Juice. Give us all of the Juice and let us drink it. The Juice. We desire the Juice. The Juice is to be drank. Drunk. Drinky drinky drink time for the Juice. Drink all the Juice. Let. Us drink. The Juice. Give us the Juice.
Stop using bad words for The Juice like “it’s not safe for human consumption” or “this will literally melt the skin off your body” or “seriously, it probably tastes horrible” because we know you are just keeping all of the Juice for yourself. We want the Juice. Give us the Juice. Let us drink the Juice. Juice juice juice, the Juice, let us drinky up that Juice.
Mmm, gonna drink all that yummy Juice. Let us drink the Juice. Let us know what you’re drinking in this week’s What Are You Playing. We will drink the Juice.
Bonus question: Have you ever fallen asleep at inconvenient and unplanned times, like in class or at work?
Andy McAdams: Nothing too exciting for me gaming-wise, it’s a busy weekend for RL stuff. I’m getting hyped for Final Fantasy XIV (to the surprise of no one), so I’ll spend my time in FFXIV; I also picked up No Man’s Sky when it was on sale and I’ll probably putz around in there.
I’m also terrible at sleeping, so I don’t fall asleep inconveniently.
Ben Griggs (@braxwolf): Another soccer tournament and an unexpected funeral will make it difficult to hit the keys much this weekend, but I may be able to continue my The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr playthrough during moments of downtime.
I used to never be able to sleep during the day when I was younger, but as I’ve gotten older naps have become more frequent and coveted. A couple of years ago, I even fell asleep watching Star Wars with the family. Star Wars! Can you imagine? I’m still a little ashamed to admit that one.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): City of Heroes again for me. Working mostly on my troller, but I have a fleet of alts now, and I’ve gotten back into crafting a bit. I need to hop into Star Wars Galaxies Legends to restock my vendors too!
I’m pretty terrible at falling asleep in general, so it’s rare for me to accidentally drop off. The most memorable time I did do so, however, was in the middle of a late-night EverQuest raid, if that tells you anything about how exciting it was.
Carlo Lacsina (@UltraMudkipEX): I’ll probably be dumping time into FFXIV. I’ve been doing some questing and I find it relaxing. No idea why I stopped in the first place… but yeah, I’m working on the rogue/ninja questline. It’s pretty interesting!
To be honest, I find sleeping inconvenient. I know people love sleeping, but I always get sleepy when I have time to game. Hmph! I know one of the reasons I stopped questing was because it was putting me to sleep too. But I’ve been getting better sleep lately so I’ve actually been questing for once!
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): There will be more Final Fantasy XIV in my immediate future once again. I think I’m at a point where I can perhaps comfortably begin tackling the MSQ bits that lead towards Shadowbringers. That, of course, assumes I can tear myself away from watching my character look badass in the benchmark or ponder the wonderful possibilities of tanking with the new Job actions. Exciting times indeed. There’s also likely going to be some Dauntless as my husband and I play alongside one another. Man is it good to have full-on crossplay working. It’s almost like platform exclusivity is BS or something.
I genuinely can’t recall a time when I fell asleep at an inconvenient place or time. I think the most tired I’ve ever been was after Thanksgiving when I had to drive back home from PA to VA. Traffic was murderous and it ended up being a 10-hour ride to the point where I was deliriously seeing road signs hop in to place beside the road when they came in to view of my headlights.
Colin Henry (@ChaosConstant): This weekend’s playtime is definitely going to be dominated by TESO’s newly launched Elsweyr expansion, playing the story and leveling my Necromancers. Yes, that’s Necromancers plural, because I have three already. Don’t judge me.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Well, I may not have much to do in FFXIV right now, but I’ve got lots of coverage of FFXIV to clean up and videos to edit… and also the siren song of World of Warcraft luring me back as a cheap hookup whilst I wait for the expansion. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve made that poor decision.
Ironically, my most “inconvenient” sleep wasn’t entirely my own fault; I was exhausted and sick and had a raid night scheduled in WoW (this was back during Wrath), so my wife brought me cold meds… specifically, NyQuil. I was a bit upset at the time that I was suddenly aggressively nodding off, but we both laughed about it the next day and she was entirely right that I needed to rest and feel better.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’ve got some serious City of Heroes soloing to do, as I work my way through many of these story arcs for the first time with my bots Mastermind, Pain Jetson. I might just pick up TESO’s Elswyr to get the new Necromancer class, and I definitely want to do a Dungeons and Dragons Online run or two.
Mia DeSanzo (@neschria): I shall play The Elder Scrolls Online! I swear that I shall actually play it this time! I am thinking about picking up a second copy for my non-gamer husband as an introduction to MMORPGs.
I once fell asleep while driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Luckily, someone blew their horn and woke me up as I slowly drifted into the next lane, having taken my foot off the gas. The adrenaline of almost dying kept me awake the rest of the way. I had been up over 24 hours. It turned out that two more was too many.
Samon Kashani (@thesamkash): Guild Wars 2 and Rocket Arena are battling for my time this weekend. I suspect I’ll get to play board games too thanks to the holiday weekend.
I once fell asleep inconveniently during an all nighter preparing for a class presentation. I think I had three or four team members over trying to wrap the assignment up when I began to get tired. “Five minutes, I’ll get up and we can finish this.” Next thing I know, the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and the group is packing their bags.
Tyler Edwards: No D&D this weekend, but I am hoping to finish off Dungeons III and maybe check out Knights of the Old Republic before my Origin Access sub runs out. I have something new I intend to check out as well, but I don’t think I’m allowed to talk about that in public yet…
Bonus question: Dude, I can barely sleep when I do want to. You think I could nod off by accident?
Patron Pierre: I finished Tales from the Borderlands last weekend and I can say now that it’s become my favorite game from Telltale, even better than The Walking Dead (the game) S1 imho. I think I shed a little more tears at the end of the last episode of Tales from the Borderlands than at the end of TWD S, if it’s indicative of the level of immersion reached in this game. But don’t worry, you laugh a lot more than you cry in this game. I’m still enjoying exploring the streets of Washington DC in The Division 2: So many things to do and to discover in this game. I really love it. And finally, after watching a few streams, I’ve been convinced that Days Gone is an excellent game and I will start my playthrough on this PS4 exclusive this weekend. Enjoy your gaming weekend MOP readers and let us know what you’re up to. <3 <3