Add this announcement to the “obvious news is obvious” file: The builder-centric sandbox Starbase is not going to make it to an early access launch by this year.
An announcement post from the devs at Frozenbyte confirms that launching the game’s closed alpha has to come first before any large-scale outside testing can begin, which means early access is being delayed. Closed alpha testing should be starting soon and the devs are looking to gradually ramp up the number of testers in stages over the course of alpha, but a thorough alpha test has to be completed before Frozenbyte brings Starbase to the wider world. “As unfortunate as this delay is, we hope the added features and polish will make it worth the extra wait time,” ends the post.
For those who perhaps forgot, Starbase is what seems like EverQuest Next in space, with a focus on players putting together starships, factories, and, well, starbases. It features fully destructible voxel tech and touts plenty of things for players to do together, whether it’s crafting, harvesting resources, or outright getting into fights. Starbase’s building tools have also been demonstrated to be extremely deep, with a variety of things to string together, connect, and wire to make things happen. All of this is evidenced in the videos below.