Magic Legends is already a game where most of the classes call forth creatures to take out their enemies, but some prefer to use the power of the wilds and nature for that aid. That appears to be the thrust of the Beastcaller class, which is the highlight of a 16-minute gameplay video.
Just in case you’re unfamiliar with the class, here’s the blurb from the game’s site:
“The Beastcaller is the embodiment of primal might and savagery. Vanquish hordes of foes on the battlefield with crushing blows from your massive spirit axe, while coordinating your attacks with an Aether Fox companion – and other summoned beasts.”
The video not only takes fans on a peek at the Beastcaller, but also provides a look at a full mission from start to finish, so fans can get a feel of how standard gameplay will operate. You can check the full footage out below, and be sure to also check out our own hands-on impressions of Magic Legends from the floor of PAX East.