TERA’s latest console update brings back Manglemire and adds a bounty hunt system

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Console players of TERA have some fresh content to look forward to now. Or at least a couple of things. There’s a returning fan-favorite dungeon and a reason to take on some of the game’s biggest bosses for shiny new loot. It’s “more of what you love with a whimsical twist” according to the update’s announcement.[AL:TERA]

Manglemire has come back once more, which if you’re unfamiliar first made its appearance in the Aces Wild update in July 2016 and features a compulsively lying cyclops boss monster. Which probably would be weird in any other game.

The update also brings on a new bounty hunt system which challenges players to fight bosses each day in order to gather crafting materials needed for new broochest and consumables. The update will also kick off TERA’s second anniversary on console with a number of events, including one that promises to take players “to the end of the world and back.” Details on what that event will entail are due soonâ„¢.

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