If you missed your previous chance to check out the world of Fractured, you’ve got yourself another shot. The devs are once more having an open playtest event starting on Tuesday, May 26th, at 8:00 a.m. EDT for all backers of the game, opening up to all registered members, whether they’ve pledged or not, on Thursday, May 28th, at 8:00 a.m. EDT, all the way until Monday, June 1st.
The playtest will feature the alpha 2 test 2 build as well as a few other quality-of-life adjustments like item stack splitting, the ability to craft multiple items, faster movement speed on paved roads, and protection from damage and monster attacks after being knocked down. The game also has “proper” player death, meaning a character dying now leaves behind a corpse containing its equipment and inventory, as well as the addition of militias, which effectively lets players choose one of four NPC militias and lets them freely attack and loot members of opposing militias outside of towns and starting zones.
If you’ve been on the fence about this one, you’ll be able to peek in yourself soon. You can also check out Sam’s first impressions of the previous alpha test to learn a bit more.