Turkeys: At least two of the neighborhood turkeys were guilty of bearing false witness when I asked them if they had seen my keys and they simply replied by making turkey noises. I followed them and they immediately dropped my keys, then ran off into the woods while shouting epithets in my direction.
Turtles: The new fad for turtles along the path is to slap aggrandizing stickers across their shells, a clear violation of the sin of pride. Popular slogans include “Maximum Shell,” “You Ain’t Feel Well Without A Shell,” and “All Dogs Are Stupid Also I Have A Shell.”
Bears: One of the local bears asked to borrow my rake to clean up his den and I said it would be fine. However, when I saw him this week I asked him to return it, but he said he loaned it to another bear. That bear said he loaned it to another bear in turn and he promised to get it back, but you could tell he was not being serious about that promise.
Deer: Answering What Are You Playing. I am certain some sins are involved there.
Sparrow: Knocking on the doors of houses in the neighborhood, then asking the person inside if their refrigerator is running. Upon being told that it is, the sparrow is then shouting, “This proves God isn’t real and we should all worship a golden calf statue!” before flying away.
Bullfrog: There is absolutely no way that the Bullfrog’s Patented Debauchery Van is not producing at least seven or eight sinful events every time it drives down the road. He refuses to let me get inside to find out for sure, though. He insists there’s a cover charge even if I don’t intend to partake.
Bonus question: What movie have you found yourself most altered in your opinion on over time? (You hated it at first but like it now, or the reverse.)
Andy McAdams: Continue to bounce around World of Warcraft. I’m trying to got my Alliance-side Rogue to max level (and took the time to get my class mount) and I keep waffling between leveling an Alliance-side Priest (which is now 81) and a Worgen Druid. I always like the idea of the druid, but the reality never seems to keep me engaged. I think its mostly I just want flight form, but I might try that. I also really want to level a Resto/Ele Shaman, but I don’t like any of the races on the Alliance side that can be Shaman, and I want to level something with my vulpera because I love them, just my guild is Alliance side which means if I play a vulpera, I’m running it totally solo.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Mostly Lord of the Rings Online for me. I’ll swing by Star Wars Galaxies Legends to craft a bit, but I’m finding I need the peace and quiet of LOTRO more.
Probably a Star Wars movie – The Phantom Menace or The Last Jedi. Still not my favorites, but I am a lot less grumpy about them.
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I’ve fallen in to the hole of Ooblets pretty dang hard, so that is likely going to be a primary focus. I’m also super in love with my Black Desert Dark Knight and will certainly be hopping into that for that kriegsmesser swinging sweetness, and I might try to take a peek at what’s new in No Man’s Sky.
I can’t really think of a movie that’s really changed on me. I suppose the closest I can point to Demolition Man, a movie that I found mildly amusing then and now find spectacularly entertaining in that very dumb way.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Usual time-marking stuff in Final Fantasy XIV plus a lot of single-player games, I think. Or maybe staring at nothingness, I don’t even know. Actually, I have an urge to read my illustrated edition of The Hobbit again…
I try to rewatch a lot of the things that I consider particularly good or movies I didn’t consider good where I see a big deviation from my own thoughts about a film, so I consider a lot of my film opinions fluid; if it’s something I care about, it needs to be explored more than just the one time, and often rewatches just make it clearer how darn good the good stuff already was. My biggest turnaround, though, was probably Napoleon Dynamite; I really disliked it the first time I watched it, but every subsequent viewing has made it clear that it’s really a damn good comedy.
Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I’m currently in a rut MMO wise right now. I’ve been wanting to try some old games again but I haven’t taken the effort to find accounts and stuff. Star Wars: The Old Republic has been in the back of my mind for a few weeks now. Thought I’d try it last week but didn’t want to go through the effort. Maybe this is the weekend.
I’m not exactly going to follow the question. I think I’ve mentioned it before but I’m going to bring up The Karate Kid. When I was little it seemed like such a great underdog story. Watching it as an adult, I can help but think that Daniel was a jerk and basically taunted Johnny. Watch it again and you’ll see. Half the time Cobra Kai was just hanging out when Daniel pulled some crap!
Pierre, patron: Another The Last of Us flavored weekend for me: The Last of Us NG+ and The Last of Us Part II are on the menu. As for MMOs, I’ll probably play some casual Final Fantasy XI.
Bonus question: Recently, I rewatched Terminator Genisys. When I watched it first, I didn’t like it. But this time, I felt different: it’s not a masterpiece but it’s a pleasant action movie to pass time anyway. And you MOP readers, what’s up this weekend? Always curious. Cheers!