The obvious thing to say about superheroes is that they are a power fantasy. This is mostly true, but it isn’t the whole story, because most superheroes aren’t about simply about having power but about how you choose to use it. In every superhero story, the hero is matched against someone who either has more power or somehow has another edge over the superhero. Superman is stronger than Lex Luthor, but he can’t just reduce Lex Luthor to a red mist because then he’s violating his ideals and proving all of Luthor’s claims about Superman true.
Where the real power comes from is that these are stories that make diagetic the power struggles we face in our day-to-day lives. You are not actually the last son of a dead planet… but you might feel like you are a stranger trying to help people with all your might. Or that you are part of an ancient culture most people have never seen, seeking to bring your grace and ability into the light. Or that you put on a suit to hide your weakness from the world even as your heart is breaking. These stories tell us that we can face these struggles, and even against people with more power, we can win. We can be more than we think we are.
It’s What Are You Playing. Head on down to the comments.
Bonus question: Do you find wireless keyboards, mice, or headphones worth it for your computer?
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Probably a little Pokemon Go for exercise motivation and some Animal Crossing Sunday night for that last batch of fireworks.
I actually tend to have everything wired. I have too much that needs to be charged and a bad habit of forgetting to charge almost anything other than my phone. I will admit I’ve been tempted by some earbuds a former coworker introduced me to, but, well, I’m also cheap.
Andy McAdams: Still putzing around in World of Warcraft. I’m excited that we have an expansion launch date finally which means pre-patch even sooner. I’m pretty excited to Shadowlands, where I wasn’t at all for Battle for Azeroth. But even BfA has been really fun at the microcosm level, even if the macro level is a hot mess (and it is). I don’t know if Shadowlands will be good or not, but I do know that for the first time in a long time, I feel like WoW cares about more people than the hardcore cupcakes.
Bonus question: Totally depends. If I’m playing on a laptop, I’m more likely to go wireless with the keyboard and mouse. Desktop it doesn’t matter as much and since wired peripherals are cheaper than the wireless counterparts, I end up going wired. When it comes to headsets – all wireless, all the way. I tend to wander away in sudden fits of fancy, I’ve yanked wired headsets out of the ports an embarrassing number of times.
Ben Griggs (@braxwolf): I’ll most likely still be grinding credits in World of Warships. I have several tech tree ships researched, but lack the funds and port slots to purchase them. I’m getting dangerously close to getting my first tier 10 tech tree ship, American cruiser Des Moines.
Bonus question: I swear by wired peripherals. When I was in networking, I worked with some old AT&T telephone company vets who lived by the mantra “if it don’t touch, it don’t talk” which explains why we so often encounter spotty WiFi connectivity. Plus, I don’t like the thought of having to schedule my gaming around recharges and battery replacements. Wired peripherals give me one less thing to worry about in an already complicated setup.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): So I have some real-life stuff to attend to this weekend, but I also have a bunch of games I’d like to play. I’m sure I’ll be in The Sims 4 a bit, I need to swing by Star Wars Galaxies Legends (I’m not that great at breaks), I need to clean up my Lord of the Rings Online account maybe do some Farmer’s Faire if the servers are functioning (couple of weeks left on my canceled sub, so I may as well use them), and my family is back into Guild Wars 2, so I have a feeling I’ll be sucked in over there. Trying not to, though, since I still have an entire tray of new-to-me games I’d also like to try. Need more hours in a day.
Wireless keyboards and mice that actually fit my size/layout preferences tend to be poorly made and drop inputs, so after doing those for many years, now I stick to wired on both. I do use a wireless headset, though, which is why I have to tie myself down to my desk during the podcast – otherwise I find myself racing and pacing around my house. I generally hate wires showing anywhere, though. It’s a whole thing.
Carlo Lacsina (@UltraMudkipEX), YouTube): I’m going to be playing some Black Desert Mobile. I don’t really touch it so I really want to check out what I’ve been missing out on recently. Other than that, maybe make some progress in Final Fantasy XIV’s story as well.
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I’m not sure what I’m doing this weekend in MMO-land. I’ve got a couple things in Final Fantasy XIV to do on the RP event side, but no real long-term goals if I’m completely honest. I also kind of want to really dig in to making a character for gameplay and RP in City of Heroes: Homecoming. Really, I just want to soak in the MMORPG ambience since I was without internet for a whole week.
I have this (likely unfounded) mistrust of wireless peripherals even though I’m not the sort of person who counts millisecond timing of button presses because I’m too busy being middling to awful at games in general, so I never go wireless.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Stuff, I guess? FFXIV will factor in there. I have some game stuff to review. I also want to get in some New World preview time, probably.
My anxiety about charging has mostly kept me to wired peripherals, and it doesn’t help that my computer’s layout means that all of the USB ports are in the back and don’t play nice with wireless peripherals plugged in there. I do like them in theory for fewer cords, but concerns about battery life and charging have kept me mostly just to the wireless headset.
Mia DeSanzo (@neschria): I am taking a breather between Black Desert Online seasons, planning to dip into all the games I have been neglecting, most likely No Man’s Sky and Frostpunk. (The Magic 8-ball says “Very doubtful.” It says I will play Rimworld. Again. How strangely specific!)
I am neutral on the wired vs. wireless peripherals in general. I have had mix of them at different times. The one exception might be wireless headphones when I am working. I have a tendency to try to get up and walk off with headphones still on, so wireless saves me trouble and replacement expense.
Sam Kash (@thesamkash): I got my code to access the New World beta so I’m sure I’ll be spending a good amount of time in there. Next to that I’ll continue to rack up achievements in Guild Wars 2!
I’m a big fan of wireless peripherals. I don’t really play any hard core twitchy shooters often, so I don’t need to worry about a tiny bit of latency. I’m all about what makes life and gaming easier. And that’s going wireless!
Tyler Edwards (blog): Still grinding my way through Horizon: Zero Dawn. I’m definitely coming to the bitter conclusion this game does not live up to the hype, but I want to make it through to the end. It’s not bad; it’s just… oppressively ordinary. Holding out the vague hope that I might get a late invite to New World’s not-a-test, but that hope is fading fast.
Bonus question: Truthfully I’ve never understood what the purpose of wireless peripherals is. I’ve never been in a situation where it would be helpful to have them. But then I’m usually pretty behind the technological curve. I still don’t have a smartphone.
Pierre, patron: I have finished my NG+ of The Last of Us; I really enjoyed it as the combats are much more fun with all your character and weapons enhancements available. I haven’t decided yet which game will take its place in my schedule, I will let you know next week.
I’m still going through The Last of Us Part II, also really enjoying it, but where the first part had some moments of positiveness and laughs, the sequel is a really dark piece and you must be psychologically strong to go through this somehow depressing experience. I’m really convinced it’s not a game for everyone but the experience is worth it, if you have what it takes. Final Fantasy XI is my MMO these days, even if I haven’t found a lot of time to play it recently.
Bonus question: I have Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse and they are excellent products, with a very easy and flawless pairing process. I also use wireless headphones from time to time, but it’s quite a complex setup a little too long to explain here. And you MOP readers, it would be awesome if you could let us know what you’re playing this weekend.